When guests unexpectedly appeared suddenly or just there are no forces long to make a dinner, it is possible to fry chicken breasts in a frying pan. The interesting stuffing will make meat more juicy, and a dish – beautiful. And you will spend for its preparation only 20 minutes.
It is required to you
- - 3 chicken breasts;
- - 50 g of a soft cheese "Feta";
- - parsley greens pinch;
- - garlic head;
- - 3-4 dried tomatoes;
- - 1 h spoon of lemon juice;
- - olive oil;
- - salt, black pepper.
1. Prepare a stuffing. For this purpose in a bowl crumb cheese, add to it the cut dried tomatoes, greens of parsley and the chopped garlic. Pepper everything, water with lemon juice and slightly mix.
2. Wash chicken breasts and dry on a napkin. Make sideways on everyone a deep cut and put the prepared stuffing there. Fix edges by a toothpick. You prisolit the stuffed chicken breasts a little.
3. In a frying pan warm a small amount of olive oil, put chicken breasts there and roast them on strong fire to a ruddy crust from two parties. Then reduce fire, cover a frying pan with the paper wetted in water for pastries and leave "reach" within 7-10 minutes.
4. Lay out ready chicken breasts on a big flat plate. Remove from them toothpicks and cut across on pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. Thus, at you the beautiful dish for a large number of people will turn out.