How to make pea smoked products cream soup

How to make pea smoked products cream soup

Pea cream soup differs in the extraordinary taste and is very useful. Smoked products will give unique aroma to a dish. Such soup quite easily is cooked and the beginner will even cope with it.


  • peas ― 400 grams;
  • 5 kg of smoked edges;
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 onions;
  • celery root;
  • pepper and salt; 


  • First of all it is necessary to be engaged in preparation of peas. For this purpose grain is washed out properly, and then filled in with a clear water and leave not less than for 3 hours in order that it bulked up. After that it will be necessary to merge liquid.
  • Until peas are presoaked, it is necessary to prepare vegetables. First of all the celery root washes and cleaned. It is cut by means of a sharp knife on cubes not of the really big size.
  • Then it is necessary to wash and peel carrot properly. It can be crushed in two ways. First, carrots can be crushed, having used a large grater. And secondly, it is possible to crush it as well as a celery, using a knife. At the same time it should be taken into account that cubes of both root crops have to be approximately equal size.
  • Potatoes tubers thoroughly are washed and cleaned. They should be cut on rather small pieces. Then it is necessary to remove a peel from bulbs and to cut them on cubes.
  • Put ribs in a saucepan with water and to put it on fire. Broth after boiling about 25 minutes cooks. After this edge are taken out, and liquid should be filtered surely.
  • The saucepan with broth is put on fire again and bring it to the boil. Then in it the prepared peas, salt and pepper pour out.
  • After liquid boiling, fire should be made less and to allow soup to boil during a quarter of hour. After this time the cut vegetables are poured into a pan, and soup cooks to full readiness.
  • Cool, turn ready soup into puree. It is possible to cope with it rather easily and quickly, having used the mixer.

It is necessary to serve a ready cream soup hot, and it is possible to decorate it with green branches of fennel.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
