How to paint eggs an onions peel

How to paint eggs an onions peel

It is a traditional way of coloring of eggs for Easter. The onions peel gives to a shell a pleasant henna-red shade, besides it is possible to paint eggs a strip, with unusual stains and effect of marble.

It is required to you

  • - eggs;
  • - water;
  • - onions peel;
  • - adhesive tape;
  • - threads.


1. Collect an onions peel. Wash out its baking plate a stream of cool water. Put a peel in water. There send eggs and boil them within 10-15 minutes until ready. to receive more saturated shade, leave eggs in solution for 15-30 minutes. what longer they will be there is, those nasyshchenny will turn out a shell shade.

2. That eggs in a strip turned out, paste over a shell with small pieces of an adhesive tape and boil in water with an onions peel as it is described above. If to paste on egg the circles, florets or any other figures which are cut out from an adhesive tape and then to weld until ready in onions broth, red-brown eggs with white drawings will turn out.

3. For receiving a shell with effect of marble, wind eggs with a peel, fix it by threads that didn't slip in preparation time, and lower in water. Boil eggs until ready and remove a peel, the shell will turn out in marble stains.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
