Rye bread, extraordinary tasty, it is possible to prepare in house conditions. It is better to use method of a batch on bezdrozhzhevy ferment. In this case bread turns out not only tasty, but also useful.
How to make bezdrozhzhevy ferment
In the first day of barm-making it is necessary to mix 70 g of rye flour and 100 ml of warm water. Weight with consistence of dense sour cream which is leaky covered with a cover or a towel turns out and leave alone for 24 hours.
In a day begin fertilizing of ferment. Within 3 days daily add 70 g of rye flour and 100 ml of warm water to it. Store ferment in the warm place. For the 5th day the bread making can start. However ferment will be still insufficiently mature therefore it is recommended to add a yeast powder to the first sponge dough.
It is desirable to hold ready ferment at a temperature 10-12os, having added to it a pinch of salt which will prevent turning sour of a product. Before a test batch ferment it is necessary to take a couple of hours in heat. Again add fertilizing to the remains. Thus, it is possible to bake a rye bread almost every day.
The recipe of a rye bread on ferment
To bake a rye bread on bezdrozhzhevy ferment, the following ingredients are necessary: 200 g of rye ferment, 2.5 glasses of rye flour, 80 ml of warm water, 140 ml of tea leaves of black tea, a salt teaspoon, a sugar teaspoon, a desi for greasing of a form. First of all, it is necessary to be engaged in preparation of a sponge dough. Ferment is mixed with warm water and a glass of the sifted rye flour. The received dough is covered with food wrap and removed to the place deprived of drafts for 3.5-4 hours. Ideal temperature for a sponge dough is 25-28os. Get a sponge dough in the deep capacity as it increases in volume by 2.5 times. Add the remained flour, sugar, salt and tea tea leaves to a sponge dough. A rye dough very sticky therefore it is recommended to knead it wet hands. Dough will turn out shapeless, however it isn't necessary to add flour. In this case pastries will turn out too dense. Ready dough is closed a film and leave alone for 1.5 hours at a temperature of 30 wasps. At insufficient temperature condition dough will longer rise. The table is moistened with water and shift to it the dough which increased in sizes approximately by 2-3 times. Form a log which is smoothed wet hands. The baking dish is greased with a desi and shift in it the prepared dough. Now dough has to расстояться within 35-40 minutes. Send a form to the oven which is in advance warmed up up to 250 wasps to the average level. Approximately in 10 minutes the heating is reduced to 190-200os. Bread has to be baked not less than 25-30 more minutes. Readiness of pastries is defined by means of a wooden toothpick. If bread is easily pierced and on a stick there is no trace of a water-logged dough left, it is possible to take out pastries from an oven. A finished rye bread is got from a form at once. The top is moistened with a small amount of water that the beautiful brilliant crust turned out.