What is represented by a scientific conference

What is represented by a scientific conference

The scientific conference is the best way to exchange the ideas, to learn new and to expand the circle of contacts. There is a set of websites and forums which give the chance to professionals to join colleagues remotely, but the most popular remain direct personal participation of scientists in this action.

  The scientific conference represents a difficult task of interaction of groups of scientists. Many scientists regularly participate in conferences and discussions worldwide. The scientific conference or a symposium is a conference for pupils and scientists to present and discuss the works. Together with the academic or scientific magazines, conferences provide the important channel for exchange of information between researchers.

  Conferences usually consist of various presentations prepared by participants. The presentations have to be short and compressed, to last on time from 10 to 30 minutes. Work can be made in writing as the scientific article and is published in materials of conferences.

  The conference usually includes the main speaker. The main report is longer, can proceed and till one and a half o'clock. Conferences are also characteristic group discussions, round tables on various questions and seminars.

  Perspective speakers usually ask to make the short abstract of their presentation. Now speakers usually base the speech on the visual presentation which shows key illustrations and results of a research.

  At some conferences public or entertaining work, such as trips and meetings, is an integral part of the program. Business meetings for scientific organization or the interested groups can enter activity of a conference too. 

  Scientific conferences are divided into three categories:

  • thematic conference, that is the small conference organized on a separate subject;
  • the general conference, conference with meetings, with a wide variety of subjects, often organized by the regional, national or international scientific communities, carried out annually or on other regular basis;
  • the professional conference, big conferences which are not limited only to scientists, but with the questions relating to science.

  Traditional conferences mean that participants have to move and remain in one concrete place. It takes time. The online conference uses the Internet, and participants can get access to a conference from any place in the world and participate in it at any time, using the browser. To participants the password for access to a conference and seminars is issued.

  The conference appears by theses which contain the list of subjects of meetings and tell how leading to dokladchikamepodat the abstracts. Giving of work is carried out online. The abstract is a summary of research article, and is often used to help the reader to find out quickly the report purpose.

  The scientific abstract usually plans four elements of work:

  • The center of a research (problem statement) – the first offer defining work in a context and one or two offers opening the work purpose;
  • The used methods of work are one or two offers explaining what was (or will be) is made;
  • Results of a research are one or two offers indicating the main opening;
  • The main conclusions – one offer stating the most important conclusion of work.

        Typical length of the abstract varies from 100 to 500 words.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
