What sushi differ from rolls in

What sushi differ from rolls in

Sushi and rolls – these east dishes fascinate today hearts and stomachs of gourmets worldwide. However not everyone "сушифанат" knows in what difference between two types of the Japanese delicacies.

Tasty rolls and sushi – ideal option for admirers of healthy food, an exotic delicacy and those who keep to a diet. Extraordinary tasty and healthy food allows to be sated quickly enough, having derived pleasure maximum. It is remarkable that sushi and rolls are closest "relatives", more precisely, rolls are considered as one of types of sushi. Though today the portion pieces curtailed into rolls had also a set of the variations. What can sushi differ from rolls in?

Distinctive features of sushi and rolls

Quite often sushi and rolls confuse, giving one for another that misleads profane persons. Sushi represent lumps of boiled rice on which strips of an eel, an octopus, a shrimp, pieces of a salmon, etc. are laid out. For convenience of sushi quite often fix a strip to a hole.

The beautiful form rolls are given, twisting "sausage" from the chosen products by means of a bamboo mat. And sushi is traditionally cooked hands, giving rounded shape to flat cake from rice.

Rolls are similar to small rolls for which not only seafood, but also fruit, cheese, vegetables, meat can serve as ingredients. Depending on a look, rolls can be inwrapped in leaves to a hole, also rolls-uramaki are popular today. So call "inside out" rolls in which there are no seaweed to a hole, and a role of a cover is played by pieces of fish. One more difference between two types of the Japanese culinary masterpieces is that, as a rule, give to sushi sushi restaurants by the piece whereas rolls – portions on six or eight pieces. Are widespread today and mixes sets, components of such sets can be both sushi, and rolls with different stuffings. It is possible order fashionable rolls and sushi even as having a snack, for delivery of appetizing dishes autosushi, couriers of sushi bars serve.

Sushi or rolls – what to choose?

Width of the range of rolls and sushi allows any person to find a delicacy to itself to liking. Delicacies can be vegetarian, sharp, sweet, hot, baked, say, for every taste. It is recommended by a green tea or plain water wash down sushi and rolls, the bright combination of ingredients will shade also warm to Saca.

Sushi are surely served to a table cold whereas rolls can be warm.

Both to rolls, and to sushi give the Chinese sticks or has, seasonings – a soy-bean sauce, wasabi, marinated ginger. By the way, pieces of ginger not only are eaten, they are used as a brush. Dipping pink slices in sauce, it is possible to grease with liquid of sushi which are difficult for dipping into seasoning. Also ginger serves for clarification of an oral cavity, preparation of flavoring receptors for perception of a new dish.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
