As different zodiac signs kiss

As different zodiac signs kiss

Each zodiac sign is in own way fine and unique. However everyone has certain traits of character. Astrologers even removed a certain regularity of behavior at kisses which is peculiar to any given zodiac sign.


Representatives of this sign possess the most passionate kisses. They cannot be characterized as gentle, sensual and ardent. Also, It should be noted that arieses are not attracted by long kisses. They kiss, in a hickey. It should be noted that there is it seldom and only at good enthusiastic mood.


The kiss of this zodiac sign is soft, but is strong. Tauruses passionately and long prefer to kiss. Many note that at this zodiac sign warm and soft lips. In spite of the fact that Tauruses kiss, they never hurt and are always gentle and tender.


This zodiac sign is counted the champion by quantity of kisses per capita. It should be noted that their kisses rather superficial. Twins always in search of new feelings.


Representatives of this sign like to kiss not so much how many to be rained kisses. Their kisses very sincere, loving and gentle. Cancer does not accept unconscious proximity. It has to be even not so much the love, how many care and sincere attachment.


Most often Lev kisses darlings to derive sensual pleasure from proximity. The people born under this zodiac sign it is possible by the right to consider masters of a passionate erotic and hot kiss.


This zodiac sign behaves modestly. The maiden usually kisses only the partner. Does not like it to do in sight and are strongly irritated if notice that spy upon them. If you dream to receive a kiss from the maiden, you have to be tidily dressed, have the cleaned footwear and the ironed clothes.


The sign which more than others is an expert in kisses. Scales masterly own the equipment. And let their kisses not obzhigayushche are passionate, but are tender and gentle.


It is the only sign transferring by a kiss most fully all scale of the feelings. The scorpion is able to express everything: from tenderness, adoration and appreciation before full contempt and coldness. You remember: this zodiac sign of special arrangement and not everyone is ready to be let in the inner world.


The kiss of this zodiac sign expresses more often gratitude, gratitude and admiration which comes from the width of their immense soul. Expression of the relation, than sensual pleasure is important for Sagittariuses.


This sign does not love and is not inclined to express the feelings by means of kisses. Also they consider superfluous to seize the kiss equipment. Their kisses can be characterized as detached, cold, deprived of sensuality and eroticism.


Kisses of these zodiac signs have no certain characteristics. They can be absolutely various. It is not diffident zodiac sign. The Aquarius is rather sensitive and moderately erotic. Most of all they are attracted by an opportunity to experiment in this sphere and a non-standard situation.


This zodiac sign always expects something unearthly from a kiss. For this reason often are disappointed in partners. Fishes are promptly given to passion and feelings, being dissolved in them. Despite it, the technician of a kiss from the erotic point of view at them quite low. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
