As planets move

As planets move

People try to solve centuries laws of the Universe and to understand whether there is a final number of stars as they "live" and move. In the 16th century the first fundamental discoveries which described laws of the movement of planets were made.


1. There is an opinion that at the beginning of a human civilization the people had much more extensive knowledge of space, than now. In tombs and pyramids, archeologists find hundreds of certificates in sacral places to the fact that people had heavenly cards, knew laws of a cycle time, so, knew also about how planets rotate, and were even able to make horoscopes. But this knowledge was lost.

2. Copernicus revived a thought of the movement, rotation of planets. He the first made heliocentric model of the solar system and proved that planets not only rotate, but also rotate exactly around a star of the Sun. Copernicus used as a basis to the researches Ptolemaeus's works.

3. Copernicus's works both were studied, and challenged, but German I. Kepler who, based on long observation and mathematical calculations, found out that all planets of a system move on an ellipse trajectory gave to the principles of rotation of planets scientific justification, the speed of the movement depends on nearness to the Sun (the closer, the quicker). Kepler even calculated turn speed to a payment around the Sun.

4. Approximately in the same time G. Galilei opened the principle of inertia, and I. Newton defined that the planet which moves around the Sun does not need force to move forward. If such force was not, then the planet flew on a tangent. But the fact is that the planet does not fly on a straight line and gets not to that place where would get if flew freely, and is closer in the Sun. As a result found out that a source of this force is force of an attraction and there is it somewhere near the Sun.

5. People watched Jupiter and its satellites which rotate around the planet; behind Earth around which the Moon rotates; beyond the Sun around which planets rotate. Also understood that all bodies attract each other. Actually, in these opening there is also an explanation for that as well as why planets move: they vzaimnoprityagivatsya and submit to a powerful power source of an attraction which is located near the Sun. Who and as started this system in the movement, what is the time she will "obey" still the legislator is, perhaps, an eternal riddle.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
