Butyric acid: properties and application

Butyric acid: properties and application

Butyric acid represents the liquid of transparent color having slightly unpleasant smell reminding rancid oil. Meets in a free state (sweat) and also in the form of air (glycerides of cow oil).


1. Origin and properties kislotyeto substance to treat a number of the acids sated with fat minerals and it is classified as monobasic because of existence in the structure of connection only of one carboxyl group. This substance, as a result of processes of fermentation of butane or oil aldehyde in industrial conditions and also carbohydrate fermentation of butyrate type is formed.

2. Besides industrial education, butyric acid is also a product of active processes in a human body. To be exact – a large intestine which excretes this enzyme as a result of the active chemical reactions happening as a result of active work of microflora of internals which are engaged in fermentation of nonfood fibers and indigestible carbohydrates.

3. Exactly thanks to existence of this element in enough in a large intestine in its functioning there are no failures. Also butyric acid is recognized as excellent means for treatment of various inflammatory processes, it is used for recovery of digestive ability of intestines after surgical removal of a gall bladder.

4. It is considered that butyric acid is capable to fight against development of malignant tumors in a large intestine and also thanks to the absorbing properties this enzyme is capable to control the volume of a human chair and to regulate intestinal motility.

5. The principles of application kislotyetot apply type of acid at treatment of inflammatory diseases in a large intestine and at its frustration which arose owing to reception of strong antibiotics, for maintenance of an intestinal homeostasis and postoperative restoration of functions of a colon.

6. In original form this means was entered into the patient's organism in the rectal way because at oral application it had no medicinal properties. Purely butyric acid is not applied, only in connection with other substances which intensify its action and development in microflora of a large intestine.

7. Earlier experts developed medicine which part the compound of butyric acid and butyrate of sodium was, but this means did not yield positive results. Therefore at the moment butyric acid is connected to butyrate of calcium and prebiotic.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
