Contrast shower - advantage and harm

Contrast shower - advantage and harm

Presently there are not a lot of absolutely healthy people. It is impossible to tell that people do not want to be healthy, do not want vigorously and with good mood to wake up in the mornings, but to change something in the life very few people aspire. To embody the desirable, daily reception of a contrast shower can partially help.

Advantage of a contrast shower

Of course, without preparation to the person it will be difficult to begin to take a contrast shower, and at first it will not cause any feelings, except tension and discomfort at all. Many understand that the similar procedure allows an organism to cheer up, strengthens immunity and improves blood circulation, but, being even fully aware, than the contrast shower very few people accept it is useful.

And if regularly to take a contrast shower, then besides above-mentioned useful properties it is possible to put skin in order and to get rid of a number of excess weight if that is available. All this thanks to the fact that temperature differences improve exchange processes and increase an expense of calories to normalize body temperature.

Some do not love a contrast shower, because of unpleasant feelings which it can cause, but more it belongs to the weaker sex, it is easier for men to transfer sharp contrast because their skin is less sensitive. However, after 4 - 5 procedures even the female body adapts to such temperature changes.

Quicker to get used to a contrast shower and to feel its advantage, it is necessary to begin similar procedures in the summer when cold water easier is perceived and by winter protective forces of an organism considerably will become stronger and it will be possible to forget about various catarrhal diseases.

It is necessary to take a contrast shower according to the scheme:

  • warm water;
  • hot water;
  • cold water for 30 seconds;
  • hot water – 20-40 seconds;
  • cold – is a little more than a minute;
  • hot water – about 1 minute;
  • cold water – so far it is pleasant.

At first it will be difficult to adhere to such mode, but it is necessary to seek for such alternation.

For bigger efficiency it is better to take a contrast shower in the mornings, ideally - after charging, then the effect of it will be maximum, and the charge of cheerfulness and good mood for all day is provided.

Contraindications of a contrast shower

Besides undoubted advantage, reception of a contrast shower has the contraindications, and in a case can do harm to health.

Naturally, any procedure which is performed incorrectly or without presence of some diseases can do harm to our organism. There is a certain category of people, it is undesirable to them to take a contrast shower. It, first of all those who have serious diseases of nervous system, a problem with vessels and heart and also to asthmatics and the suffering diabetes. A separate conversation if the person has oncological diseases. In that case the contrast shower is not simply contraindicated, and is strictly forbidden.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
