Each person starting serious trainings has to mean a possibility of an injury of back that he, actually, can be the cause of need to give up occupations. In order that to avoid it, experienced athletes and instructors advise to begin with trainings in the form of a giperekstenziya.
For direct muscles of a back a giperekstenziya - the best exercise. It literally "big extensions", their essence that the case is slowly bent and unbent at the fixed lower part of a trunk. There is also return giperekstenziya, at it the top part is fixed, and legs rise and fall.
What muscles work at a giperekstenziya?
Usually the giperekstenziya is carried out by means of the exercise machine. It can be horizontal and inclined. How to do a giperekstenziya on the horizontal exercise machine and what muscles are affected by these exercises – the question interesting many. Carrying out exercises, it is necessary to watch two things. First, it is impossible to carry out extensions breakthroughs at all, all movements have to be smooth. Otherwise there will be not enough advantage and there is a possibility of a trauma.
Secondly, at extension it is not necessary to lift the case very highly, bending a back, or to throw back the head. It can lead to a trauma especially as in this case load of a back increases while it does not bring benefit.
If the giperekstenziya on the inclined exercise machine what muscles work - in fact, the same is carried out. But performance of this exercise on the inclined exercise machine is usually easier. However it is also less effective.
Muscles which are involved when performing a giperekstenziya is, first of all, a lower back, buttocks and hips. However the slightest inaccuracy in exercise will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to load buttocks, all loading will go to a waist.
At the return giperekstenziya the working muscles are muscles of buttocks and the back surface of a hip. Carrying out this exercise, the athlete lies on a board, and raises legs and lowers.