How successfully to pass examination?

How successfully to pass examination?

The sleepless nights mixed in the head terms and long kilometers of cribs. Very few people managed to avoid such test. Examination is not only a form of an examination of the pupil or student, for the vast majority it is remembered as a huge stress and panic state. As it is easy to pass examination and to keep the nerves and whether it is possible in general? Using the long-term experience, I will try to answer it a question now.

What to make to pass examination?

As a rule, the vast majority of people of students begin to prepare actively for examination approximately in a day or two before it. The students who are allegedly knowing as it is better to pass examination, reason it with what read the day before better is remembered. Not a bit! In your head it will be obligatory porridge. Besides the sleepy organism will hardly think in general that demand from it. Also you should not lean on cribs. You, of course, remember a part of information until you rewrite the correct answers, however practice shows that this occupation you will just waste precious time. And whether they here will be useful at examination very big question. Besides these simple examples there is a huge number of everyones ""but"" and ""if"". Let's understand how to learn to take competently examinations.

Stage 1. Preparation. What needs to be done to pass examination?

One type of abstracts and textbooks causes horror, boredom, melancholy and an other set of negative emotions. However on a problem it is necessary

  • to look on the other hand. It is better to spend time for studying material, than about the same on a repeating an examination. Therefore gain strength and patience as it is successful to pass examination, it approximately the same, as to achieve success in life. And the way to it, as we know, lies through small steps or obstacles. To overcome a step in the form of preparation you will be helped by some advice:
  • consider how many days remained to you before passing an examination, and distribute lectures so that for every day you had an equal number of tickets. Leave one day prior to examination for repetition of all material;
  • read aloud. Find an object or a subject to which you will tell what is written in the ticket. During this process you not only will remember, but also to understand the meaning of written. Huge plus in such approach is that at the examination you will be able to tell material by the own words;
  • during training many face an examination on a foreign language or the subject sated with difficult and unclear terms. What is necessary to pass such examination? Remember unclear words and phrases by method of associations. Any writing a word causes the picture or an object in your imagination. Repeat terms several times, associating them with this object;
  • try to understand what type of thinking is inherent in you. If you the visual learner, then to you is simpler to remember the text as it looks and with what paragraph any phrase begins, it is the best of all for audiala to dictate the ticket and to remember information by means of listening. Can try to provide to Kinestetiki (i.e. those who perceive the world feelings) the written information in the form of smells, touches, etc.;
  • as it was already told, it is better to divide tickets equally into taken away for learning every day. Create to yourself motivation in the form of a competition with yourself. Set the task to learn the unlimited number of tickets, tick off opposite to each read ticket and if in a day you managed to learn everything that you planned, surely award yourself for it.

Stage 2. "Doomsday". Councils taking examinations

So, before check of your knowledge there was one day. It is a high time to make a dress rehearsal. As it was already told, by preparation you needed to leave one day as reserve. The second stage also begins from it. So, how it is correct to pass examination?

  • re-read once again all tickets. Speak them aloud, try to classify mentally obtained information. In advance prepare clothes, and take handles, pencils, the calculator, the dictionary and other accessories which can be necessary at examination;
  • try to go to bed a bit earlier to get enough sleep and well to feel. It is useful to walk a little before going to bed. Alcoholic drinks are not recommended to be taken categorically;
  • refrain from the use of medicines and soothing. They will only delay your thought process;
  • one week prior to examination and also in the morning just before it eat protein (eggs, fish, meat, sour cream, cottage cheese). It will feed your brain and will ensure to it good functioning. And before examination it is the best of all to eat couple of chocolates and to take with itself a small bottle of the plain not aerated and not sweet water;
  • you will choose the correct clothes – first that to you met "on clothes", i.e. you looked the serious and well-groomed person, and secondly that the clothes were convenient and did not distract you;
  • try to come to examination a bit earlier. Minutes for 15 prior to the examination be run by eyes according to the textbook and remind yourself terms or compound words of which you are not sure;
  • you do not hurry to run in audience in the first stream. But also up to the end you should not sit in a corridor too. Come in the middle of examination. This time will be enough to calm down most and to understand in what mood there is an examiner;
  • having come into audience, try to concentrate. For this purpose several times do the following exercise: inhale, including from 1 to 4, hold the breath into the score 1-4, and exhale into the same account;
  • having seen questions in the ticket, do not panic not to block information centers of a brain. Close eyes, remember what all of you read and you know everything. Besides depending on your type of thinking reproduce in consciousness as you read, heard, or saw the answer to the asked question. Try to write by the own words and exactly as you will tell aloud;
  • sitting before the examiner do not worry. Not to stammer and to swallow a word, at a conversation with the teacher use parenthetical constructions. For example: "I consider that …", "the author probably wanted to tell that.", "as far as I remember.", etc.

The main thing is not to be silent by no means and to keep self-confidence. It is also the main secret of how successfully to pass examination. If you do not doubt the knowledge and that you will be able to answer any question, then and people around including you the teacher will not doubt it. Tranquility gives rise to tranquility. Remember it, and successfully you show the knowledge!


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
