The analysis of the work of art helps to acquire better the maintenance of read and gives the chance to understand features of the narration. At analysis of the text it is desirable to hold to a certain stage-by-stage plan. The carried-out analysis can become a basis for writing of the composition or essay.
1. Define a genre and the main subject of the work. Any book, whether it be the prosaic work or the poem, contains the main thought of which the author tries to inform the reader, using own arsenal of art means and receptions. The perspective of the book can be reflected in the title, names of heads or in the preface to the edition. Definition of the main idea will not cause difficulties if the work is read thoughtfully and attentively.
2. Understand and describe work composition. The story, the story, the novel usually have a certain structure which corresponds to logic of development of a plot. Of what parts or heads does the work consist? How does the structure of the book influence development of a story line? How reasonable looks the composite "drawing" of the book used by the author? Emphasize the most successful decisions in terms of structure of creation of the text.
3. Consider the general organization of the work and the characters acting in it. Here identification of the main and minor characters, definition of artistic touches which were used by the author for creation of their characters will be appropriate. The short description of characters can be combined with display of events against the background of which the reader meets heroes.
4. Briefly and generally, without going deep into details, stop on the events which are been the basis for the work. Whether it managed to the author to transfer vital dynamics? Analyze as far as the description of acts of characters corresponds to logic of a plot and "facts of life". Whether is not present in the narration of far-fetched scenes or dialogues which do not differ in reliability? In the analysis of the works relating to a fantasy genre, this criterion, of course, can be less significant.
5. Specify in the analysis what language, graphic and means of expression the author used during creation of the work. How it is possible to characterize the style used by the writer? Whether it differs in an identity and originality? Whether there are at the text language stamps, common images and comparisons? As far as does the style correspond to the offered subject? How does it help to inform of the main idea of the work the reader? Answers to similar questions will help to size up the level of writer's skill.
6. Finish the analysis conclusions. They can include the personal reader's opinion or estimates made by literary critics. Try to reflect in conclusions the emotional relation to the book and that impression which it made on you personally. The main advantage of conclusions – their validity. It will be simple to observe this criterion if all previous analysis was made carefully and honestly.