How to calculate a natural logarithm

How to calculate a natural logarithm

Logarithms are used at the solution of those equations in mathematics and applied sciences at which unknown sizes are present as exponents. A logarithm with the basis equal to the constant ""e"" ("Euler's number", 2.718281828459045235360...), is called "natural" and registers most often as ln(x). It shows degree in which it is necessary to build constant e to receive the number specified as an argument of a natural logarithm (x).


1. Use the calculator for calculation of a natural logarithm. It can be, for example, the calculator from a basic set of programs of the Windows operating system. The reference to its start is hidden quite deeply in the OS main menu - reveal him click on the Start-up button, then open its section "Programs", pass into the subsection "Standard", and then into the section "Office" and, at last, click the Calculator point. It is possible instead of a mouse and movements according to the menu to use the keyboard and dialogue of start of programs - press a combination of the keys WIN + R, gather calc (this name of the executable file of the calculator) and press the Enter key.

2. Switch the interface of the calculator to the expanded mode allowing to carry out calculations of logarithms. By default it opens in a "usual" look, and is necessary to you "engineering" or "scientific" (depending on the version of the used OS). Open the section "Look" in the menu and choose the corresponding line.

3. Enter an argument which natural logarithm needs to be calculated. It can be done as from the keyboard, and clicking a mouse the corresponding buttons in the interface of the calculator on the screen.

4. Click the button with the inscription ln - the program will calculate a logarithm on the basis of e and will show result.

5. Use any of online calculators alternatively of calculation of value of a natural logarithm. For example, that which is placed to the address Its interface is extremely simple - there is the only entry field where you should press value of number from which logarithm should be calculated. Among buttons find and click that on which ln is written. The script of this calculator does not demand sending data for the server and expectations of the answer therefore you receive result of calculation almost instantly. The only feature which should be considered - a divider between a fractional and whole part of the entered number here surely has to be a point, but not a comma.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
