Average monthly air temperature is one of important climatic indicators. It is used by meteorologists in the observations, agronomists to predict the beginning of a sowing campaign and also various scientists in the experiments. This indicator is of interest and to the ordinary people who are interested in the phenomena occurring in the atmosphere.
It is required to you
- - exact thermometer;
- - diary of observations;
- - average daily temperature for each day of a month;
- - calculator.
1. To calculate average monthly air temperature (an average temperature value for any concrete month), put all average daily values.
2. At calculation average dailyof air temperatures you take several measurements. The type of the thermometer used at the same time will depend on your purpose. It is better to check the ordinary spirit thermometer on reference as spirit devices have property to become outdated. The mercury device is not recommended to be used in the winter, at hard frosts it can fail.
3. Graduation of a scale will depend on necessary accuracy. The ordinary spirit thermometer has accuracy in one degree. If rather great demands are placed on definition of temperature condition, use the device with smaller graduation having indicators to the 100-th or thousand shares of degree.
4. Putting an experiment in warm season, you watch that the thermometer was in a shadow. Conditions of observations have to be identical, otherwise to you not avoid mistakes. Write down in the diary of observations of the indication of the thermometer in the morning, during the lunchtime, in the evening, at midnight. Put them, divide into 4 (the number of observations).
5. Put positive and negative numbers precisely as and always. For example, if at night the thermometer shows -2 °C, and in the afternoon +4 °C, divide into the number of observations value in +2 °C.
6. After you receive and put all average daily values of air temperature in a month, divide the turned-out sum on the number of days in it (30, 31, 28 or 29).
7. Round the turned-out number to value of that accuracy which is necessary for you (often enough tenth shares, but the 100-th can sometimes be required and even thousand). By the same principle it is possible to calculate average monthly day and night temperatures separately from each other.