The voice can become a powerful tool of impact on listeners. It is necessary to use this natural tool only competently. Special exercises will help to develop the correct technology of the speech.
1. Any most interesting words can pass by audience if they are said by colourless and inexpressive tone. On the contrary, thanks to well put speech speaking the attention of people around and to find their trust which is able to capture quickly.
2. The fulfilled technology of the speech differs in melody, good pronunciation and flexible possession of intonational characteristics of a voice.
3. To learn to speak it is correctly possible if to seize technology of the speech. It is the separate section of rhetoric and a component of oratorical skill. Technology of the speech represents a set of the skills and abilities used for effective sounding of the speech.
4. Technology of the speech includes several stages of mastering skill, such as setting of speech breath, vocal training, improvement of diction, work on an intonational component of the speech, hearing development.
5. When mastering skills of the good speech it is necessary to observe systematicity of classes, persistence on performance of the corresponding exercises. Especially long work is necessary over pronunciation.
6. It is expedient to conduct work on improvement of the technology of the speech under the leadership of the experienced expert. Only in this case you will be able to receive feedback and to correct the speech defects.
7. The typical initial course of mastering technology of the speech includes the following sections and exercises: - the warm-up exercises including massage and gymnastics; - development of the operated breath; - learning and pronouncing tongue twisters; - exercises on development of vocal skills; - exercises on statement of skills of intoning depending on contents of a statement; - reading the text with expression; - special exercises on management of loudness, tempo of speech, height of sounding of a voice depending on a communication situation, etc.
8. Correctly created speech skills are demanded in many professions. Neither politicians, nor journalists, nor teachers, nor employees of social institutions do without them today. High level of the technology of the speech can become guarantee of professional success for each person working with people.