Springs are widespread elements of various devices, devices, machines and other installations. Therefore when technical documentation of these devices is created, there is a need to draw a spring.
It is required to you
- - pencil;
- - ruler;
- - elastic band;
- - compasses;
- - calculator;
- - paper.
1. Cylindrical screw springs with round section are in most cases used. Such springs, as a rule, have the standard sizes. The image is carried out in actual sizes or in the reduced or increased look that is surely specified in the special column "Scale".
2. The schematic image of springs is applied only on assembly drawings. Surely consider all these moments at a stage of the preparatory work preceding creation of the drawing of a spring.
3. To note centering of a spring of compression, on its ends represent basic surfaces (in most cases springs have one and a half basic rounds). However in order that it is correct to construct the drawing of a spring, it is necessary to know its key parameters: outer diameter, quantity of rounds, diameter of a wire and step of rounds.
4. Round quantity of working rounds to the size which is multiple 0.5. Calculate length of a spring by a formula: H0 = n*t + d where n is number of rounds, t is a step of rounds, and d is diameter of a wire.
5. Find full number of rounds on the following formula: n1 = n + 1.5 (this formula considers a one-and-a-half basic round).
6. Calculate spring length with a hook by a formula: H0' = H0 + 2 * (D - d). Then find bending radius, oboznayushchiysya letter R: R = (D + 2*d)/2.
7. On the drawing represent a spring in a free state, that is, proceeding from that condition that the represented detail is not under pressure from the outside. The drawing on a leaf has to be located horizontally.
8. You draw a contour of rounds simply straight lines.
9. Represent a section of screw springs the section of rounds, and if thickness of section of a round is less than two millimeters, completely fill in the section of each round at the image of a spring in a section in dark color if thickness of section of a round is less than 1 mm, represent section schematically.