For finding of the set part of any number (including expressed by fraction) it should be divided into the size of this part. The sequence of actions will differ at the same time depending on a form of record of fraction - ordinary, mixed or decimal. In the first two cases the received result, perhaps, will be required to be transformed to the mixed fraction.
1. If the initial fraction is written down in an ordinary form, then this step should be passed and if in the form of the mixed fraction (that is the whole part is separated from fractional - for example, 4 4/7), then it is necessary to begin with transformation of the mixed fraction to a common fraction. For this purpose at first it is necessary to increase the whole part by a denominator of a fractional part (4*7=28), and then to increase numerator of a fractional part by the received result (4+28=32). The common fraction (32/7) received in such a way will be called wrong as its numerator is more than a denominator.
2. If the numerator of a common fraction without the rest is divided into the given size of a part, then it is rather simple to divide numerator into this given size. For example, if it is required to find one quarter of fraction 32/7, then after division 8/7 will turn out. It will be necessary to write down result in the form of the mixed fraction as it is described in the fourth step.
3. If the numerator cannot be divided without the rest into the set part, then it is necessary to increase a denominator by the size of this part. For example, if it is required to find a third of 32/7, then the answer will be the fraction at which in numerator will remain 32, and in a denominator will be 7*3=21, that is 32/21.
4. Write down the found part of the number expressed by fraction in the form of the mixed fraction if its numerator is more than denominator. For this purpose divide numerator without the rest into a denominator - the received number will be the whole part of the mixed fraction. Replace with a remainder of division numerator, and leave a denominator without changes. For example, if the calculated part of fractional number is equal 32/21, then in the form of the mixed fraction it should be written down as 1 11/21.
5. If the initial number from which part should be calculated is written down in the form of decimal fraction, then the algorithm of calculations will consist of the only operation of division. The decimal fraction can be divided into the given size of a part in a column or by means of the calculator. And it is the simplest to use the Google search engine - instead of a search query it is possible to enter the necessary mathematical operation and the searcher will show its result. For example, if it is necessary to find a third of decimal fraction 4.571, then enter inquiry "4.571/3".