How to get rid of mice in the house forever?

How to get rid of mice in the house forever?

Mice in the house are not only spoiled products, but also risk for health as these small rodents are carriers of many unpleasant diseases and can provoke development of an allergy. How quickly to get rid of mice in the house forever will prompt the recommendations of those who coped with this problem.

How to get rid of mice folk remedies?

To get rid of mice in the house or the apartment, at first it is possible to try humane ways. It is considered that mice do not take out some smells: dry herbs – a burdock, a tansy, a camomile, chernokornya, elder and also a lavrushka, vinegar, sal ammoniac, bleaching powder and a peppermint. The dry grass and leaves, bleaching powder and moistened in oil of a peppermint or vinegar of vatu are displayed about minks of mice and rodents leave this place. Except some smells, mice do not take out ashes since it irritates them pads. Ashes are scattered about holes and in those places where mice run.

The frightening-off substances should be changed often, otherwise mice can get used to an irritant and cease to react. After rodents leave, it is necessary to close up carefully all places where they get into housing. In apartments of multi-storey buildings of a mouse usually get through mines in which there pass pipes of plumbing and sanitary. In the private house of a mouse can get into any crack and an air vent.

The following method of catching of mice was often applied in villages. It is necessary to take a glass or plastic bottle, to pour in it a small amount of vegetable oil and to distribute it on all of an internal surface, and then to place on a bottom a bait – a fat piece, for example. The bottle needs to be put not vertically, and at an angle. Mice will get into a trap, but will not be able to get out.

One more folk remedy – mix from 0.2 kg of sugar, 0.3 kg of flour and 0.5 kg of plaster. The turned-out powder needs to be placed in habitats of mice. After the use of this mix the rodent drinks water, plaster in it stiffens and the mouse perishes.

How to get rid of mice in house conditions?

In house conditions occur among more modern methods of disposal of mice as humane, and not really. The ultrasonic emitter, for example, will only put to flight rodents, but will not kill. This way is considered the most effective if the answer to a question how to get rid of mice in the house where you will not place a trap or poison torments.

It is possible to find various options of traps for mice in household shops. Some, like crackers, kill rodents. Others as, for example, glue traps, leave them alive. However it is not so simple to exempt a live rodent from a sticky covering and to let him go in peace to the forest, most likely, it will not turn out.

Except traps the modern industry offers also a set of poisons for mice. Those who will decide to choose this way of disposal of rodents should weigh everything pros and cons. For example, if in the house there are animals, the poisoned bait can draw their attention. Therefore poison should be displayed out of reach of favourites or for several days to send them for overexposure.

Besides, the died mice can remain under a floor and in walls, then not avoid an unpleasant smell. But also this problem has the decision:

  • poison with the mummifying action – the mouse who ate it does not decay, and dries, and the unpleasant smell does not arise;
  • poison with suffocating action – the perishing mouse will seek to come to open space where she can be seen.

And the easiest and safe way of disposal of mice is always a cat. Its smell will frighten off the uninvited guests who decided to develop the new apartment or the house, and those who will not be afraid to lodge a predator near by, the cat will surely catch over time.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
