How to go on the dole?

How to go on the dole?

Unfortunately, in life there are different situations, and each person can lose work. But, instead of being upset and worry, it is necessary to try to correct a situation, to look for a new way of receiving income and, of course, to learn how to go on the dole. In this hard time even little money will be very not superfluous.

What is necessary to go on the dole?

So, for paperwork it is necessary to make the following:

  1. To take the passport, the service record, the certificate of income on the former place of work, INN, Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account, the document on the got education and also the program of rehabilitation with recommendations (for people with disabilities) and to visit Employment center.
  2. After that it is necessary to receive at labor exchange the list of the available vacancies, the direction for public works and also the direction on vocational education or retraining.

Further everything depends on a situation in labor market in the concrete region. If at the exchange there are suitable vacancies, that it is necessary to do a bit of traveling on interviews that, perhaps, will lead to what nevertheless will find work of people. When there are no vacancies, and retraining or training are impossible, within 10 working days documents for receiving a grant will be processed.

How it is long possible to go on the dole?

Now the legislation defined not that how many it is possible to go on the dole, and when its payments it can be refused. If the person who is registered more than two times refuses the vacancy offered him, or will not participate in public works for which the payment is necessary too, then the payments to him will not be made.

Also money can be not received if the person does not visit labor exchange to confirm the status of the unemployed and to get new referrals on interviews with the potential employer.

Whether the student can go on the dole?

If the person does not study internally, then he can apply for registration of such payments. For this purpose he has to submit the listed above documents and also the reference from educational institution, it is possible to take it in dean's office.

Students of internal office can register at labor exchange during summer vacation, that is for that period while they do not get a grant. The operations procedure in this case will be just the same, the main thing, be ready that can offer you work for this period and if you refuse it more than two times, then the grant will not be paid.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
