How to make a bed?

How to make a bed?

It is difficult to imagine the homestead territory without flowers which create a cosiness, emphasize basic elements of a garden, hide possible shortcomings and just are pleasing to the eye. That everything looked beautifully, it is the best of all to put them in a bed and as to make it now we will understand.

Actually it is a task not from simple as it is important to consider many factors. First of all it is necessary to study the territory illumination, a land relief, availability to the review and many other things.

For a start we will understand what it is possible to make of bed as there is a lot of options. More difficult and demanding time options are beds of a tree and a stone. It is possible to use improvised options, for example, of a tire of a car or plastic bottles. The simplest option simply is to plant flowers and to protect them with a small fence. It will be in that case useful to know what to make a protection for a bed of. Here too is from what it is possible to choose, for example, to make a wattle fence from rods, to put the forged or wooden small fence 10-15 cm high. It is possible to impose a bed with wild stones or to make an original intake from plastic bottles, generally, the imagination is broader, the it is more than options.

How it is beautiful to make a bed of a stone?

There are different options of constructions, will consider one of them – an oblong bed of an oval form.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At first plan border of future flower bed for what hammer pegs on perimeter and pull thread. As we will use a stone, it should be taken into account its width and to mark still the internal line, for this purpose it is possible to take flour or sand.
  2. Dig out a ditch of 30х20 cm and lay out large stones in the basis. It is important to try to stack cobble-stones most densely to each other. Surely properly stamp each cobble-stone.
  3. After that you pass to the second row, without forgetting to join stones as puzzles as much as possible. Put flat cobble-stones in corners. The first five rows keep within without solution use that is drenazhy.
  1. Put a film in a bed and fill up the earth. Hammer with a row stakes into each corner and pull thread to specify the upper bound of future bed.
  2. Prepare solution and continue a laying and when the wall has height of 15 cm, it is possible to apply concrete dough on an internal surface. Thanks to it the laying without seams will turn out.
  3. Do not forget that stones have to sit down most densely therefore surely you knock on them a hammer. Leave everything to dry for three days.
  4. At the final stage fill the fertile chernozem in a bed and plant the picked-up plants. That's all, you can enjoy the work.

How to make a volume bed of flowers?

The meaning of a volume bed is that flowers grow from all directions in several levels. It allows to establish such beds even in the center of the platform. It is possible to make it in different ways, one of the most economical options – tires of tires. For work it is necessary to prepare tires of the different size that it was possible to lay out them in the form of a pyramid. Each tire needs to be filled with soil and to paint with paint. When everything dries up it is possible to plant plants.

One more option as to make with own hands a beautiful volume bed, means use of flowerpots of different diameter. It is the best of all to take clay vessels which will not burst through any time. In the center of the biggest pot it is necessary to establish a peg and to cover it with earth. In other pots make in the center of a bottom an opening on diameter of a peg and put on them, filling with the earth that the pyramid turned out. It will be necessary only to plant flowers on each tier. Such compact bed can decorate a verandah, the place near a door and even a balcony.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
