How to make models of polyhedrons

How to make models of polyhedrons

It is possible to do much of paper enough interesting and entertaining hand-made articles. Takes process of production of polyhedrons - volume geometrical figures. If it is correct to cut a figure on edges, then at us flat development will turn out. Respectively, any, it is even also possible to make very difficult geometrical figure of correctly cut out development. However to create development not so that and simply! But process this extraordinary fascinating. One more plus of such work is that it noticeably helps to develop spatial imagination. And having trained, the person presents practically any subject in the form of a polyhedron and is quite capable to make its model.

It is required to you

  • - convenient table;
  • - excellent lighting;
  • - glue (ideally – PVA);
  • - brush for glue;
  • - handle;
  • - ruler;
  • - scissors;
  • - paper.


1. Make the first figure. One of the simplest figures is a cube so it is possible and to begin with it. It consists of six squares sides. For a start the model of development can be copied, considering that on each side special white labels remain in order that it was convenient to glue. Consider also that continuous lines are drawn where it is necessary to cut, and dashed lines – on bends. In order that the model turned out steadier, it is possible to use dense paper for work.

2. Further cut out development on continuous lines, without forgetting about labels for subbonding. That party on which lines are drawn will be inside of our model. And the face – clean, it is possible to paint with helmets, felt-tip pens or pencils.

3. After the figure is cut out, carry out by the handle under a ruler on all lines of a bend. It will help to bend more exactly and easier a figure.

4. Further carefully bend a figure on all lines of a bend. Apply on labels glue by means of a brush. The main thing is to paste accurately the last label, and it directly depends on density of our paper.

5. After the end of the main work the figure has to dry properly and only after that it is possible to start esthetic registration of our model – coloring.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
