How to move in time

How to move in time

To turn back the clock – a century dream of mankind. Plots of many fantastic works are based on the idea of movement in time. Unless it is not tempting to move in time on a few years ago to correct the errors, to make something differently, to make up for lost time? As far as it is real?


1. So, how really to travel around waves of the fourth measurement? And with what purposes it would be possible to use such opportunity, it be it feasible? It is possible to rewrite history, to change fatal decisions of ancient governors, to interfere with the result of the greatest battles, and then to watch results of the creative activities for grubbing of weeds of history.

2. Until recently similar questions were raised only on pages of works of certain science fiction writers, the official science from them simply waved away, considering heresy. However now some serious scientists state hypotheses of essentially opportunity to carry out movement in time both in the past, and in the distant future.

3. Critics of the idea of moving to the past claim that such travel will encounter the unsolvable paradox (hronoklazm) connected with violation of relationships of cause and effect. The most widespread example of such objection: you move to the past and accidentally become responsible for death of the native grandfather or the father. But if he dies, you are not fated to be born in the future and to make the marked time travel during which there was a tragedy to your ancestor!

4. Supporters of the time machine as opposed to this paradox claim that this contradiction can be resolved if to accept that in each timepoint it especially is split, branches, creating incalculable amount of alternative realities with a full range of various outcomes. Neither to prove, nor modern scientific knowledge of time nature allows to disprove a similar hypothesis.

5. It is possible that the bulky time machine is also not required to mankind. Perhaps, having deepened the knowledge of the nature of a material world and its indispensable attributes (space time), the mankind will solve more reasonable to master movement of people to special zones in our Universe where time passes differently. Unceasing disputes on the nature and potential opportunities of use of so-called "black holes" are still conducted. Perhaps, they just are also a peculiar portal in our past?

6. Alas, today questions at scientists much more, than answers. But the hope for an opportunity to break through a temporary veil remains. Who knows whether the meeting with the past in our most foreseeable future will take place?.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
