How to neutralize formaldehyde

How to neutralize formaldehyde

Formaldehyde has a chemical formula of NSON. Represents colourless gas with very pungent, characteristic smell. It is perfectly dissolved both in water, and in many organic matter. Finds broad application as a dubitel, antiseptics, preservative of biological materials. Formaldehyde serves as raw materials for receiving phenol formaldehyde pitches, pentaerythritol in the industry. It is strong poison, constitutes big danger to the person. Therefore at excess of maximum allowable concentration it is substance it is necessary to neutralize.

It is required to you

  • - liquid ammonia;
  • - extract;
  • - aloe, kalanchoe or azalea.


1. Let's assume, vapors of formaldehyde or its water solution (formalin) polluted clothes, ware, some objects of use of the small and average sizes. It is possible to neutralize formaldehyde in this case, having processed these things in stationary or mobile disinfection installations. As disinfecting reagent serves liquid ammonia (water solution of ammonia) with concentration from 10% to 25% sprayed through nozzles at high temperature.

2. If there is no such opportunity, take out the things polluted by formaldehyde on fresh air. The longer airing, the better lasts.

3. The majority of inexpensive furniture, including complete kitchens, make of the wood-shaving plates (WSP) which part phenol formaldehyde pitches are. Over time, especially under the influence of direct sunlight or the increased temperatures, these pitches partially decay, emitting formaldehyde. It is easy to understand that especially actively this process happens in kitchen, in cooking time. How it is possible to get rid of formaldehyde in that case? Surely equip kitchen with an extract and include its every time when you use the gas or electric stove. What more rings are involved by, by that on big power the extract has to be included.

4. As often as possible air premises, especially kitchen. If in your house the modern double-glazed windows complicating air exchange with the environment are established.

5. Some plants can effectively acquire hazardous substances, including formaldehyde. Whenever possible deliver to capacity with them in kitchen or in all premises. For example, the azalea, an aloe, a kalanchoe, some species of ferns is among such plants.

6. Very well purifies air from formaldehyde impurity a plakuchy ficus (Benjamin's ficus). But if among residents there are people suffering from different forms of an allergy it is necessary to remember that this plant can provoke strengthening of a disease.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
