How to teach a dog to team nearby?

How to teach a dog to team nearby?

Owners of dogs know, it is how important to train an animal that it did not do harm to either the owner, or surrounding people. Therefore those who got a puppy should know how to teach a dog to team nearby, it will allow to feel quietly on walk.

How to teach a dog to go nearby on a lead?

Take an animal on a lead and get up so that the dog was from your left leg. Begin the movement, having told: nearby, at the same time you watch that the forepaw of a dog was flush with a sock of your boot. If the dog shoots ahead, stop and pull a lead, repeat a word nearby and wait several seconds if during this time the dog did not return to your left leg, pull a lead once again. When the dog lags behind, at first clap yourself on the left hip, tell: nearby, and only if the animal ignores the requirement, pull for a lead. This way will help, both to teach an adult dog to team nearby, and to accustom to it a puppy.

Experts advise to spend for similar trainings not less than 1 hour and to do them every day until the dog does implicitly not obey. Only the persistence and patience will help, both to teach a dog to go nearby, and to train her in any other team.

How to teach a dog to team nearby without lead?

As soon as the dog seizes team nearby and will quietly follow the owner on a lead, it is possible to unfasten it from a collar. Only choose the place where there are no other people and dogs. Order a dog: nearby, also begin the movement, at regular breakthroughs aside and failure to follow the repeated order, put on it a collar again and tell: nearby, and for faultless command execution give delicacy.

On similar trainings a lot of time can leave, but in 2-4 weeks it is possible to try to unhook a lead and in the place where there are other animals and to be trained to execute commands regardless of their existence or absence.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
