Units of measure are used by the person since the most ancient times. In development of natural sciences various systems of measures with own units of measure were created. Now the metric system, the main on use of meter and kilogram is conventional.
1. newton/b on meter in emnyyutony/em of"" class= "" colorbox imagefield imagefield-imagelink" of" rel= "" gallery-step-images""> By definition from the school textbook by physics, the newton is the force which influencing a body weighing 1 kilogram in time in 1 second changes the speed of this body to 1 meter per second. In turn force is a measure of intensity of impact on this body of other bodies. From here simple observation - the more force applied to an object, the quicker changes its speed. The more weight, the big force needs to be applied for equivalent change of speed. The more time of application of force, the more will change body speed. The newton is used for determination of derivative sizes: pressure (force carried to the area) and the moment (force increased by lever size).
2. In newton-meters it is accepted to change moment of force. The same school textbook by physics defines the moment of rather some point as the vector work of force on the shortest distance from this point to force vector. In other words, works of force on a shoulder. If to pull for the core walled in a wall long in three meters with a force of 100 newtons, the moment will be already the 300th newton-meters. It is necessary to remember that the moment, as well as force - size vector, and except value has the direction that needs to be considered at calculation of values of the moments.
3. To transfer newton-meters to newtons, it is necessary to know a shoulder - distance from a point concerning which we calculate value of the moment, to the line of action of force. In other words it it is long the perpendicular lowered from a point in which we we calculate the moment to a vector operating forces. The formula for the translation looks thus: M=F*l where M - the required size of the moment, F - the applied force, l - is long a perpendicular.