Minerals and vitamins have to come to a human body daily for the correct work of all its bodies and systems. Otherwise there can be a development of diseases. So, the deficiency of potassium results in weakness in muscles which in a consequence can become the cause of spasms of extremities, to depressions, heart diseases. There are several main factors on which in an organism the shortage of potassium can be observed:
- consumption of insufficient quantity of the products enriched with this substance;
- overconsumption of table salt;
- abuse of coffee, alcoholic drinks;
- frequent stresses.
To fill potassium reserves, it is necessary to eat daily products which contain the maximum concentration of this microcell. Fruit, vegetables, cereals - here where potassium contains in vegetable products. But its contents is also in animal products, but in smaller quantities.
In what products potassium is?
Mainly potassium is in vegetable products. Fruit, vegetables and grain are especially rich with it. It is necessary to remember that potassium collapses under the influence of oxygen of air and high temperatures. Therefore it is expedient to eat fruit and vegetables fresh.
The high content of potassium in food is in cocoa, dried fruits, such as raisin, fig, dried apricots, prunes, nuts: almonds, peanut, walnuts and cashew; pumpkin sunflower seeds, fruit. Wishing to enrich the organism with potassium, it is necessary to use cereals: porridge, buckwheat, bran, millet. Do not forget to include the vegetables and fruit rich with this microcell in the menu: potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, apricots, bananas, oranges.
Further we will consider in what animal products there is a potassium. It contains in low-fat grades of meat and fish:
- to beef;
- rabbit meat;
- halibut;
- to cod;
- to sardine;
- to flounder.
There is its contents also in eggs, whole milk and yogurts.
If in an organism the level of this microcell is lowered, then it is necessary to accept a complex vitamin which part potassium is. But before it consultation of the doctor is recommended.