Skilled fishers perfectly know, the carp is how whimsical. To hook this fish, it is necessary to study her habits well. And in particular it is necessary to know in what weather the carp will better peck, he is very sensitive to pressure differences, wind, precipitation. And, except weather conditions it is necessary to consider also on season.
In what weather it is better to catch a carp in the summer?
In summer months the fish will peck best of all in rainy weather. But even the long absence of precipitation cannot become an obstacle for successful trade if to know several cunnings. Catching of a carp in hot weather will be successful if it is correct to choose the place: where benthonic springs, the shaded whirlpools or holes, cane thickets casting on water a dense shadow, etc. beat. It is better to catch early morning or late at night, for the present near water the cool, and in windless days keeps.
In what weather it is better to catch a carp in the winter?
In the winter the carp is the best of all to be caught during the thaw periods. It is connected with the fact that he very sensitively reacts to decrease in atmospheric pressure. As soon as it falls, the biting becomes more active. Therefore the most suitable winter weather for catching of a carp is a sharp warming with a podtaivaniye of ice and easy warm damp wind.
In what weather it is better to catch a carp in the spring and in the fall?
In off-season of a carp catch most often because at this particular time all weather and seasonal conditions develop in the best way for successful fishing. But also there are nuances. In the spring this fish it is necessary to trade with approach of the first warm days, in the fall – the last. It is good if weather at the same time the sky is tightened by clouds, there will be a rain and to blow the western or southwest weak wind. At east wind the fish, most likely, will not peck. In the spring, especially early, on sunny day it is better to trade a carp in shallow water where water got warm already enough.