Power trainings in house conditions

Power trainings in house conditions

If there is no time to visit the hall, it is not an occasion to avoid a training as they can be spent at home. If there is an opportunity, then buy a bar, but also there are many exercises for which performance also dumbbells will be suitable. Power trainings in house conditions include generally general exercises which will allow to pump over a back, legs, a press and a breast. Regularly being engaged, it is possible to receive good results.

Power trainings are occupations in house conditions

For the beginning athletes there is one useful recommendation – it is worth beginning with small weight to master the equipment, and then, weight should be increased gradually. It is necessary to train three times a day. Home power trainings should be begun with warm-up for a warming up of muscles and joints. It is the best of all to do exercises around. Pick up 2-8 exercises and carry out them in three circles. It is worth repeating each exercise from 8 to 12 times.

Power trainings in house conditions for men can include such exercises:

  1. Squats with a press of dumbbells. SP – get up, having put legs at the level of shoulders, and you look before yourself. Pick up dumbbells and you hold them near shoulders. A task – holding a back equal, it is necessary to squat before hips reach a parallel with a floor. After that it is necessary to rise, having pushed out dumbbells top.
  2. Draft of a dumbbell one hand. The plain surface, for example, a bench is necessary for performance of this exercise. Rest against it a hand and the leg bent in a knee. A task – holding a back equal, make thirst of a dumbbell for a stomach, moving a hand in a straight line. It is important to hold an elbow most close to a body.
  3. Attacks back. SP – get up, having put legs at shoulder length and holding dumbbells in hand. A task – take a deep step one leg back, keeping balance, and then, squat until the hip of a front leg reaches a parallel with a floor. Do not forget about a back, holding it a straight line.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
