Sometimes happens so that the person weighs less, than it would be desirable therefore before him there is a task to gain weight, to make it without having done much harm to the health, it is not simple enough, but it is possible, having begun to use high-calorific products for a set of weight.
Ideal addition of weight 0.5 kg-1 of kg a week are considered. To achieve such result it is necessary to eat nutritious food for a set of weight and to increase number of the consumed calories in comparison with spent, at least by 500 in day. Proteinaceous products too well are suitable for a set of weight as the substances which are contained in them in addition to physical trainings will help you to build up muscle bulk, and muscles, as we know, weigh more.
The menu for a set of weight cannot consist of such high-calorie and forbidden during diets products as cakes, pastries, sweets, fats, etc. as it, first, will have an adverse effect on your health, and will promote secondly not only increase in body weight, but also increase in a fat layer with uneven distribution of hypodermic and fat cellulose in such places as a stomach or hips. That a set of weight did not do harm to either health, or appearance, it is necessary to use useful products for a set of weight.
The list of food for a set of weight:
- Eggs, except protein contain also folic acid, vitamin A and carotinoids. Egg white is acquired much better, than protein of any other origin. One egg contains 76 calories so those who want gain weight can eat fried eggs or omelet every day.
- Beef is a best view of meat for healthy nutrition for a set of weight. It contains a lot of creatine which, according to scientists, promotes increase in muscle bulk and at the same time reduction fat. Also in beef there are a lot of such vitamins as B6, B12, zinc and iron.
- Pasta is considered as one of the most high-calorie dishes, but at the same time if to choose pasta from firm grades of wheat, then negative impact on health from them will not be. If to make pasta in a naval way with meat and tomato sauce, then the nutritional value of such dish will increase even more.
- Oat flakes – an excellent source the supplier of carbohydrates who will provide an organism with energy and necessary nutrients. If to prepare flakes on milk, their nutritional value will increase too.
- Fat grades of fish, such as mackerel, trout, salmon, etc. will help not only to gain weight, but also to improve work of heart, thanks to contents the Omega-3 of fats.