Since the concept ""black hole"" entered the use, and interest in this phenomenon is actively maintained by cinematographers, creating all new movies about the mysteries of space, this riddle of the Universe leaves nobody indifferent. So it is a black hole?
Theories of existence of black holes
The black hole is special area in space. This certain congestion of black matter capable to involve in itself and to absorb other objects of space. The phenomenon of black holes is still not studied. All available data are only theories and assumptions of erudite astronomers.
The name ""black hole"" was put into practice scientific by DZh.A. Wheeler in 1968 in Princeton University.
There is a theory that black holes in space are stars, but unusual, like neutron. The black hole - it is a star-invisible being because has very big density of a luminescence and does not send absolutely any radiation to space. Therefore it is invisible neither in infrared, nor in x-ray, nor in radio beams.
This situation was explained by the French astronomer P. Laplace in 150 years prior to opening of black holes in space. According to its arguments if the star has density equal to Earth density, and diameter exceeding diameter of the Sun by 250 times, then it does not allow rays of light to extend on the Universe owing to the inclination therefore remains invisible. Thus it is supposed that black holes are the most powerful radiating objects in the Universe, but at the same time they have no firm surface.
Properties of black holes
All estimated properties of black holes are based on the theory of the relativity removed in the 20th century by A. Einstein. Any traditional approach to studying this phenomenon does not offer any convincing explanation to the phenomenon of black holes. The main property of a black hole - ability to bend time and space. Any moving object which got to its gravitational field will be inevitably involved inside since at the same time around an object there is a dense gravitational whirlwind, a certain funnel. At the same time also the concept of time is transformed. Scientists nevertheless incline in the settlement way to a conclusion that black holes are not celestial bodies in the standard understanding. These are really certain holes, wormholes in time and space, capable to change and condense it.
Black hole - the closed area of space to which substance is compressed and from where nothing can leave, even light.
According to calculations of astronomers, at that powerful gravitational field which exists in black holes any object will not be able to remain safe. Will instantly break off it on billions of pieces still before it gets inside. However at the same time the possibility of exchange of particles and information with their help is not excluded. And if the black hole has weight, at least in one billion times the exceeding mass of the Sun (supermassive), then also movement of objects through it without danger to be broken off by gravitation is theoretically possible. Of course, it is only theories, researches of scientists are still far too removed from understanding of what processes and opportunities hide black holes. Quite perhaps, in the future something similar can be carried out.