Literally the term a defloration is translated from Latin as "breaking of a flower". The name symbolical and brightly reflects essence of this concept. The answer to a question what is a defloration, simple is a defloration or a rupture of a hymen on medical terminology.
The hymen is the protective fold of mucous fabric having one or several openings which serve for an exit of natural allocations from female genitals. This body has first of all protective functions, eliminating threat of hit of an infection outside. On this and other not less important reasons the rupture of a hymen has to occur aged when the girl reached puberty.
How does the defloration occur?
At most of girls the defloration of a hymen occurs in the natural way to time of the first sexual intercourse. A penis, getting into a vagina, stretches and breaks off a mucous film of a pleva.
Process of a defloration is followed by not too intensive pains at the girl and allocation of a small amount of blood. However not at all women everything occurs quite so. The hymen at each woman has the specific features as in structure, and on density. Cases when for the first time women have no visible changes are frequent. Release of blood as the fact confirming virginity it is not relevant for a long time.
At many girls the hymen has property to stretch, thanks to the elasticity. In medicine there is a concept of an incomplete defloration. In that case the penis freely passes on a genital tract, causing only some discomfort and pain. Sometimes there are situations at which the woman can actively lead sex life, but at the same time her hymen remains intact. Its gap really occurs only during childbirth.
How it is correct to behave at a rupture of a hymen?
It is important to each man to consider that the girl can have very sensitive hymen. At inexperienced girls the process of release of lubricant which facilitates passings of a penis on a vagina that can bring it a certain discomfort and pain is still poorly adjusted. Besides, a genital tract at virgins still quite narrow and low-elastic. For these reasons during the first sexual intercourse it is very important to prepare well the girl, to show to her caress, tenderness and it is enough to excite of it.
The correct defloration is carried out by the joint movement towards each other. At such contact the gap occurs quickly and least painfully. If for the first time the defloration was not successful, then you should not repeat attempts in the same day. It will only bring to the girl a lot of unpleasant feelings, and the result will be unfavourable. It is better to postpone attempt for couple of days.
What to do at an unsuccessful defloration?
Quite seldom, but there are situations when it is impossible to lose virginity in the natural way simply. It happens because of specific features of a hymen at some girls, it differs in the increased density. In independent and too energetic attempts of the man to break off such pleva, it is possible to injure a vagina and to put injuries of a genital tract to the woman.
Exit from such situation – an artificial defloration. It is made in the surgical way. For the solution of this problem it is necessary to address the gynecologist who quickly under a local anesthesia will perform simple operation. Healing of a wound in a vagina after operation happens soon enough and in several days the girl can already feel all pleasures of full-fledged sexual life.