The skilled person is at all not the one who makes experiments, and the one who has experience. And here the skilled copy of any new goods is made also for carrying out over it experiments, and for a set of the experience necessary for its production. Too tangled?
The first value of the term "experience" - a synonym of the word "experiment". Experiments can be made as for demonstration of the known and well studied phenomena (we will remember lessons of physics, chemistry, representation of "Theater of entertaining science"), and for opening and studying the phenomena which were unknown or insufficiently well studied earlier (we will remember Michael Faraday's experiment on opening of electromagnetic induction and also a modern Large Hadron Collider). If experiment is made in the demonstration purposes, it has to be safe both for the audience, and for the experimenter. At the same time it should be carried out so that he was effective, but moderately. It is considered that too effective experience prevents then to study an essence of that phenomenon which was shown in its course.
Setting of experiments of the house - interesting and useful hobby. Certainly, and here not to neglect the main thing safety. And then experiments will be pleasant also to you, and your children.
The second value of the term "experience" - that knowledge and skills which appear during implementation of any given practice. Theoretical knowledge whatever deep they were are not capable to replace practical experience completely. In English it carries the name ""experience"". Isn't that so, something reminds same "experiment" (experiment), that is experience in the first value of this word? It is not so difficult to gather experience in any given area, it is more difficult to transfer it to other person. Here the special talent which meets not at everyone is necessary. The one who has this talent is capable to tell sometimes about the principle of action, an order of production or use even of very difficult mechanism, about an essence of any given phenomenon, etc. so simple words that also the child will understand it from the first. Quite often specify in announcements of employment what is required the employee: with experience or without experience. In the second case the worker usually receives smaller salary, but at the same time gathers experience which is useful to it further for promotion.