Estrogen call the whole group of female sex hormones which are produced by ovaries from the beginning of puberty and up to full fading of genital function. These hormones are very important for health and health of the woman as they are responsible for ability to conception, a good figure, healthy skin, strong bones, good mood and even ability to quickly make decisions.
Shortage of estrogen and its consequence
The deficiency of estrogen can result from some diseases, improper feeding, the shortage of vitamins B a diet and excessive hobby for diets for weight reduction. Besides, the level of this hormone decreases with age, bringing in a result to approach of a climax. The shortage of estrogen immediately affects health of the woman: there are headaches, sharp differences of mood, the condition of skin and hair worsens. The sexual inclination decreases, and monthly become irregular.
If the level of estrogen in an organism is lowered, doctors traditionally register replacement therapy — intake of synthetic hormones. Working effectively and quickly, such medicines nevertheless have a set of side effects. For this reason if the deficiency of hormones is not caused by serious violations, the best way of correction of its level is natural — consumption of the products rich with estrogen.
In what products there is an estrogen?
Knowing what food contain estrogen analogs, it is possible softly and without harm for an organism to support its level, avoiding the use of chemical medicines.
First of all, it is soy and others bean: peas, lentil, haricot and chick-pea. A champion is soy and products from her here: flour, cottage cheese of tofu and soy milk. However it is worth to remember that about 90% of the soy which is grown up today are genetically modified, besides its excessive use can cause interruptions in work of a thyroid gland and violation of blood supply of a brain. It is better to use products from soy moderately, giving preference to lentil or peas.
One more category of the products containing estrogen in a large number are grain (wheat, a rye, barley) and a flax. It is necessary to use products from whole grain or bran as hormone is in a grain cover. The linen seed can be made separately or to add to porridges (the recommended consumption rate — 2 tablespoons a day). Also milk and dairy products, and in flora — nuts, sunflower seeds, a color and Brussels sprout, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots and apricots are rich with analogs of estrogen.
Among the drinks containing phytoestrogen beer is in the unconditional first place — thanks to the hop which is its part, and it is followed by natural coffee. Here it is only not recommended to abuse both. The same treats also meat: in spite of the fact that it also contains estrogen, the use of this product in large numbers will do harm, than advantage rather.