Gets used to read out himself from the childhood of people by "an evolution wreath", the highest form of living beings. Really, some are inclined to oppose the person and other representatives of the animal kingdom. Actually differences of representatives of a type of homo sapience from other highest animals it will be gathered not so much.
Common features at the person and other highest vertebrata it is much bigger: features of the structure of an organism, existence of difficult higher nervous activity, the developed instincts is inherent both in people, and other mammals. As well as animals, the person seeks to satisfy the urgent vital needs first of all: in food, in safety, in reproduction. As well as other representatives of gregarious animals, he seeks to take a certain place in group.
The second alarm system
But nevertheless the main essential difference of the person from his four-footed fellows consists available the second alarm system, i.e. the speech. As well as animals, people perceive information coming to their brain from the outside but only the person is capable to react not just instinctively to external irritants, but also to analyze them and also to broadcast results of this analysis similar. Existence of the speech allows the person to think, create difficult social communications, to pass on the accumulated experience to the next generations.
Someone can object that essential difference of human society from community of mammals (pack, herd, a pride) is the reasonable organization of public life, existence of the laws regulating relationship of his members. Actually, all this also "merit" of the second alarm system. In community of animals the rules and laws caused by their physiological features, a way of life, the habitat also work. And sometimes they are carried out much more accurately, than laws "written", adopted in the company of people. Another thing is that people are capable not just to follow own instincts, but also to understand, their behavior is how rational, to count distant consequences of the acts. On the basis of it the human behavior is also regulated, social, moral, ethical laws are formulated. Such "creative processing" is inaccessible to animals owing to lack at them of the speech and consequently, and thinking in human understanding of this word. Naturally, exactly thanks to it human laws are more difficult, and the relations in society are more variable, than in any most high-organized community of other representatives of a class of mammals.
Ability to creative activity
The second essential difference would be also impossible without presence of the speech and thinking at the person. It is ability to creative creative activity. It is known that animals can also change the behavior depending on change of conditions of their dwelling. The highest primacies are capable to use even the simplest instruments of labor (sticks, stones). But only the person has ability to invent new ways of use of objects and devices already known to him, has an opportunity to look from a different angle at habitual things and to invent something new to facilitate to itself life. On this feature all evolution of human society is based. The ability to creatively process information arriving from the outside stimulates development in the person, besides physiological, and other requirements: social, esthetic. On the other hand, the person quite often faces such problem as "Woe from Wit". Excessively extolling the opportunities opened for him by thinking he neglects the natural instincts, ceases to trust them, and it not always brings the benefit.