What wolf berry is dangerous by

What wolf berry is dangerous by

Many like to walk on the wood and to pick mushrooms, herbs and various berry. But the validity of a product in food becomes the main issue always, it is known that there is a set of types of dangerous and poisonous fruits and mushrooms. For example, widespread wolf berry.

In biology and a rasteniyevedeniye of such concept as "wolf berry" does not exist, in fact this collective national name of a number of berry bushes which differ in toxic properties. Here carry: - a belladonna, - to a derez,

- a volcheyagodnik, - a vorony eye,

- a fragile buckthorn, - a snezhnoyagodnik.

Berry-pickers as the bushes up to 1.5 meters high with rare leaves and round berries of a bright red shade, sometimes blue color look. In toxicological offices of hospitals it is quite often possible to see a photo of these plants, they serve as the frequent cause of poisonings.


This very poisonous plant meets quite often in forests of a midland. All parts it are poisonous, both berries, and leaves contain high concentration of toxic substances.

Many call berries still "a wolf bast".

Berries have pronounced sharp taste so, even without knowing that it is dangerous berry, hardly the person will be able to eat it in a large number. Though, on the other hand, even 10 pieces can become the reason of a lethal outcome, everything depends on a human body. Symptoms of poisoning are shown quickly, they have the following character: - vomiting, - burning in a mouth, - nausea, - spasms, - weakness and even loss of consciousness.

First aid at poisoning

The person who ate fruits of a volcheyagodnik needs to give first aid. Usually do washing of a stomach, by means of activated carbon or other sorbents remove toxins. In stationary conditions conduct a course of the therapy directed to recovery of natural biochemical structure of blood. Damage of skin can be caused by contact with leaves and bark of wolf berry. In this case on a surface blisters, reddenings appear, peeling quickly begins.

It will be possible to wash affected areas of skin with potassium permanganate solution. Further treatment will be registered by the dermatologist.

Dangerous components

If to consider structure of wolf berries, then the main substance will be mezerin there. This substance is very toxic, causes irritation of a mucous membrane and skin. Other components of wolf berry cause severe bleedings therefore in villages of the healer gave berries decoction to the women wishing to interrupt pregnancy... often at the cost of the life. Wolf berry is a part of some medicines as the assistant at treatment of kidneys, immune and nervous systems. But it is worth remembering that for medicine it undergoes a number of processings and loses the poisonous properties.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
