How to deceive the oculist?

How to deceive the oculist?

How often it happens that at work as an indispensable condition the annual passing of the commission is. Among many doctors it will be obligatory the ophthalmologist, easier to say the oculist. Alas, but not all can brag of good sight. And work does not want to be lost at all. If the man is the only supporter in family, but the sight leaves much to be desired, then there is a question how to deceive the oculist. Probably, also recruits who do not want to go to army ask the same question and try to find the way otkosit. Here also not to avoid a question to either them, or their parents how to deceive the oculist in a military registration and enlistment office.

How to open an ampoule with a point?

How to open an ampoule with a point?

Even if there are no skills of independent performance of pricks and injections, it is necessary to open ampoules with drugs for various needs often. Quite often there are injuries and cuts and that to avoid them, it is necessary to know how it is possible to open an ampoule with a point and without that.

How to open a coco in house conditions?

How to open a coco in house conditions?

Quite often those who bought a coco for the first time face a question as it is easy to open a coco. The doubt is that it is easily possible to cope with a coco, the thick nutshell protecting gentle pulp of a fruit causes. There are several ways how quickly to open a coco. However after several tests you, most likely, stop on one – volume which will be most convenient for you.

How to open a cowl if the rope tore?

How to open a cowl if the rope tore?

It would seem what can be simpler, than open a cowl: pulled the lever, and it rises. Occasionally, but there are unforeseen situations when everything goes not according to the plan. In that case information on how to open a cowl if the rope broke, will be as it is impossible by the way. That the reason consists in break of a rope, the characteristic sound at the movement of the lever will demonstrate.

How to wash super glue from hands?

How to wash super glue from hands?

Quite often when using super glue, this means gets on fingers and palms. And after completion of works it is not so easy to get rid of it. But there are checked ways how to wash super glue from hands, without injuring skin and nails. The majority of these methods can be applied in house conditions, they do not demand purchase of special means.