Some guys behave silly in the company of the girl who is pleasant to them. It occurs because they want to seem to her more attractive. But everything occurs exactly the opposite.
1. Imagine that you communicate with the friend, but not with the beautiful girl. It will help you to get rid of some awkwardness at communication. Try to behave naturally, be oneself.
2. Communicate on subjects which are interesting to both of you. You should not tell the girl about the last football match or to speak about problems in the engine of your car if the girl does not understand these subjects. If you see that your interlocutor looks away, trifles with clothes or the handle, ceases to give cues, it means that the topic of conversation is uninteresting to her. Try to find something the general between you.
3. Be gallant. Help the girl to put on outerwear, open before it a door, offer a hand at an exit. Any woman will estimate it. If you see that the girl needs the help, postpone the affairs and help it. And let it will be trifles, but they will prove your care of it.
4. You pay compliments. The rare lady can resist the gentleman eulogizing her. Be not afraid to go too far, pleasant words do not happen much. Let your compliments will be a little awkward, and the speech not too smooth. All the same it will be pleasant to it, your words go with all the heart.
5. Never lie. Women thanks to the intuition can understand a lie very quickly. Even if there are no proofs, she will guess deception and, most likely, will stop communication with you.
6. If you have serious feelings, give it lovely souvenirs and bouquets of flowers. The rare girl can resist the pleasant guy who shows her an affection.
7. Show it the mind and erudition. Many women love clever and well-read guys. Therefore in her company try to shine with intelligence, even in trifles.
8. Do not lose self-confidence. The girl should not understand that you quail at a meeting with it. Smile, it is the best way to show the attitude towards her.