Rupture of the long personal relations – a severe emotional injury which can seriously affect further life. Not only the former spouses, but also children suffer from a divorce. It is more difficult to woman to endure cancelled marriage owing to the special device of mentality. However you should not despair and neglect a situation.
The first shock
Right after a gap at the woman there comes panic state. On experiences concerning treachery of the loved one the fear of the future and uncertainty is imposed. Additional problems are created by sharing of property and double responsibility for children. In such situation the woman is capable to make rash acts about which she will be sorry then. Try to keep self-control and to understand objectively the reasons which led to destruction of family. Show courage to recognize that the divorce already came true. Now your task is to build new life, relying on experience of last relations. You should not be engaged in self-flagellation as both parties of the conflict are always guilty of a gap.
Emotional splash
If you constrain emotions, then it will lead further to a nervous breakdown. It is important to woman to splash out in out of offense, tears, disappointments and sore problems. Do not refuse the help of relatives during the difficult period. A natural exit of negative emotions – one of the most important rules of psychological health. The visit of the psychologist, easy physical activities directed to relaxation, swimming and just heart-to-heart talks with friends will also positively affect. It is desirable to reduce contacts with the former half and to communicate only in a business form.
Acceptance stage
Having endured the first shock and having reasonably realized an event, you will gradually come to adequate understanding that there comes the new period. Fill life with new paints, impressions, acquaintances. Change clothes style, a hairstyle, find a new hobby which will give sheer pleasure. Pain from loss of darling will pass sooner or later. The main thing is to keep an internal core and not to give in to despondency. The most difficult for the woman after the divorce – is sincere to understand and forgive the former spouse. You will intuitively feel when there comes this moment. Be not obsessed with the rage and offense which will corrode first of all you.