As without scandal to leave the wife

As without scandal to leave the wife

Women are beings emotional. Especially it is noticeable at turning points of life, one of which is the divorce. Seldom which of men manages to avoid during this period scenes with hysterics.

The reasons for which couples disperse can be various. However it is unlikely somebody wants that the soulmate at the same time began to make scandals, hysterics and other "indicative actions". In what way it is possible to avoid scandal?

Leaving gentlemanlike

First of all, try to talk to the wife. It is better to announce such conversation in advance. Reserve a table at expensive restaurant, invite the spouse to a dinner. It will be pleasant to her irrespective of a topic of conversation as such gesture shows undoubted respect.

Quietly and deliberately tell about the leaving reasons, about impossibility to continue further joint life. You say not about how to you it will be good without wife, and on the contrary - as far as your absence in her life will facilitate it existence. Most likely, by this time your relations cooled down already enough, and the divorce can really bring benefit not only to you. If your soulmate is jealous, and you leave to other woman, try to bypass this subject in a conversation. It is ideal if the wife does not learn about the true reasons of a gap. However, there are situations when such conversation is deprived of any sense and is even harmful. And how to be in this case?

We leave in a guerrilla way

However, maybe, not absolutely. At least, before leaving which you, certainly, have to plan in advance you will need to leave the explanatory letter with detailed and detailed statement of all reasons of your disappearance. Enclose in this letter the cash card with a PIN code and a monthly credit limit – it is quite possible, this decision will render the amazing pacifying effect on the thrown spouse. Such card will be good anyway – whether you will leave secretly or after the heart-to-heart talk, especially, if in your family there is a child. You have to realize completely that the father's duties in relation to children have to be observed out of any dependence on the place of residence and the relations with his mother. Some time you should not waiting and to hurry with registration of a divorce. It is necessary to start divorce proceedings not earlier, than in a month after leaving. You should not be engaged in this business personally – better to entrust a divorce to the good lawyer. In that case you will be able to avoid undesirable meetings with the former spouse, so, and possible scandals.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
