Character typology

Character typology

Combinations of personal lines, mental features and steady behavioural factors of the person are and there is a character of the person. On the main signs and qualities the personality can be referred to a certain type of character.

Character typology in psychology

Attempts to group types of persons of the person were made from the origin of psychology as sciences. The most exact and detailed typology of character is created by the German psychiatrist K. Leongard in the monograph Aktsentuirovanny Persons.

This work consists of two parts. The first part includes the detailed psychological and clinical analysis of all types of character. The second part illustrates analytical analysis on the example of the literary heroes of classical literature created by recognized writers of the world.

In this typology of character and the personality 10 initial types and a number of intermediate are presented. The main of typology of character are divided into three groups:

  • congenital temperament;
  • social conditionality;
  • personal level.

Such types belong to group of natural temperament:

  1. Gipertimny-deyatelny, bright, vigorous, optimistic, demanding strong experiences and striving for success.
  2. Distimichesky – sluggish, careful, slowed down, adjusted on ethical principles, not seeking for recognition.
  3. Affective and labile – the mixed type as a result of external irritants showing the lines inherent in gipertimny and distimichesky states.
  4. Disturbing – weak, shy, indecisive, unsociable, apathetic and obedient to circumstances.
  5. Affective and excited – over emotional, inclined to sublime feelings, is torn often off and helpless in household realities.
  6. Emotivny – soft, kind, vulnerable, sympathetic, because of excessive sensitivity often inclined to depressions.

Are ranked as socially caused types of the personality:

  1. Demonstrative – vain, selfish, demanding recognition.
  2. Pedantic – punctual, boring, badly perceiving changes and innovations, not inclined to leadership.
  3. Getting stuck – changeable, sensitive, suspicious, vain.
  4. Excitable – quick-tempered, unbalanced, focused on instinctive behavior.

Personal level is divided into two categories – the extrovert and the introvert. The first type is focused on external manifestations, is emotional, open to communication, slightly superficial. The second type of the personality is focused on inner world and creativity, carefully chooses a circle of contacts.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
