It is difficult to find the person who could live at least day, without having told words. But why communication is so necessary for us what psychological functions it performs? The first that comes to mind – need of interaction with other people, and without any arguments to make it will be problematic. Actually it is much more such functions, and researchers cannot meet in their quantity and names yet, we will consider the most widespread classification.
Functions and means of communication
To consider negotiations in terms of a goal, the following classification is created.
- Contact, is directed to establishment of mutual understanding for the subsequent information transfer and maintenance of the come contact.
- Information function of communication, as follows from the name, is responsible for direct exchange of knowledge, opinions and decisions.
- Incentive – aims at stimulation of the partner for further communication.
- Coordination. Is responsible for coordination of actions of partners and their purposes at the organization of joint activity.
- Understanding function. Promotes adequate perception of a key part of the problem and also mutual understanding by partners of a state and each other purposes.
- Emotivny (expressional) function of communication. It is necessary for exchange of emotions – a podstraivaniye of the mood under the partner or changes of his mood in the necessary party.
- Socialization function. It helps to be formed to the skills demanded for effective interaction with society to live by its rules and norms.
- Interactive, is necessary for correction and regulation of behavior during the organization of interaction of people.
It is interesting to look at what functions communication performs if to consider it applicable administrative interaction. Then points will be only three:
- issue of necessary information;
- obtaining replies to orders;
- issue of information on results of implementation of orders.
So a set of functions changes every time when changing a point of view. But feature of any communication is formation of human relations. It occurs regardless of the carried-out functions, thanks to various means and styles of communication. Conditionally all means divide into verbal (with use of words) and nonverbal. Oral speech which has a dialogical and monological manner of statement, a written language belongs to the first group. The last is used in cases of impossibility of oral communication or in need of the accuracy of each word. Nonverbal ways of communication include various signs and gestures, a mimicry, gait, intonation, a look, etc. All these signs divide into two big groups:
- intentsionalny, carried out especially for the best information transfer;
- neintentsionalny which happen inadvertently.
As bright illustration of signs of the second group the signs (running eyes, the shivering hands), features of pronunciation (accent, a dialect) can serve. These signs can report a lot of things about the person and his current state therefore it is very useful to learn to decipher them. For the speaker it is necessary to learn to operate itself to reduce manifestation of such signs because they can give the real feelings that considerably will damage persuasiveness of the speech. If to speak about signs of the first group, then these are the receptions used by the speaker for strengthening of effect of the speech (affirmative gestures, a mimicry or intonation, the emphasizing value told). It is important to watch that these receptions were used appropriate and did not contradict the meaning of the speech.
All this does communication by the most important element of interaction without which the mankind could not exist.