Crisis in the relations

Crisis in the relations

Unfortunately, the ideal relations between the man and the woman meet extremely seldom. Crisis in the relations – an everyday occurrence in lives of couples, it comes to all, sooner or later. How to endure crisis in the relations, to keep feelings and mutual respect? We devoted to these questions this material.

Crises in the relations by years

Many psychologists are inclined to consider this problem periodic. According to data of numerous researches, there are crises of the relations before marriage and in marriage, however there are they usually in the first, third, seventh and fifteenth anniversaries of communication between the man and the woman.

  1. Crisis of the relations 3 months. It more likely first calls of future serious problems. This term usually finishes candy buketnuyu model of the relations, and comes it is time to be defined whether everything at you is serious. Romanticism, joint leisure and common interests – here three factors helping to overcome crisis on this term of the love relations.
  2. Crisis in the relations 1 year. Its emergence can be explained not with bad compatibility of two, but their inability to harmoniously build the relations. Emotions become less bright, the respect and true love have to succeed thoughtless love, and the disappointment often comes … That crisis of the first year of the relations did not provoke a gap, it is necessary to learn to listen and hear the partner, to go on compromises, to respect others opinion and personal space, to talk about problems and to distribute duties, to peacefully solve the conflicts.
  3. Crisis of 3 years in the relations. In it banal domestic squabbles are usually guilty. Of course, passion fire which warmed you at the beginning of a way is not so bright, however the romanticism in the relations can be kindled, for this purpose there are many ways: romantic dinners, joint moonlight walks, innovations in the intimate sphere, change of a situation, new joint hobbies (Latin dances, for example).

Crisis in the relations – what to do?

Desperate situations do not happen - optimistic Myunkhgauzen quite so claimed. And it is the truth, especially in revival of the relations. Crises in the relations have the periods and the reasons different, however their overcoming depends only on desire of partners to stay together. When there comes crisis in the relations, it is necessary to change urgently your life – to the best, certainly.

It is necessary to begin not with mutual claims, and with attempt to change something in itself. Both are always guilty of problems of couple therefore forget forever phrases it seems look at yourself, it you are guilty, you, as always, did not make …. All of us are not ideal therefore begin with yourself, be polite and quiet, stop to accuse the partner of all mortal sins.

Positive thinking is without what not to overcome crisis in the relations. Try to remember what quite so was pleasant to you in darling or darling at the beginning of your general way. For certain some merits still remained. Describe all advantages of the partner on the sheet of paper and re-read every time as soon as there is desire it to accuse of something. Very non-standard decision is to try at least short time to grant desires of the partner. If the husband wants to see the wife on hairpins, it is necessary to please him surely. The wife dreams of the spouse making a breakfast on Saturday morning? It is possible to make her dream a reality!

And still it is necessary to revive urgently everything that so pleased both of you right at the beginning – joint travel, nights of love by candlelight, visits of cinema with friends, a sit-round gathering in cafe with coffee and ice cream.

Act, and then such trifle as small crisis in the relations, will become only a small juicy stroke in your long, happy and cloudless joint life.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
