Crisis of middle age at men

Crisis of middle age at men

Crisis of middle age overtakes the man suddenly. To endure this hard period, it is useful for woman to take this advice.


1. You should not remind the spouse that he was overtaken by crisis. It is unlikely he does not realize the events itself, and thoughts of it force it to worry. The man also did not suspect that similar, can happen to him.

2. During crisis of middle age, the man more irritable and nervous. It is worth avoiding any quarrels and scandals, do not dare to become its main irritant. In such state your man is capable of rash acts.

3. Men are inclined to deal with problems independently, to digest everything inside. Sometimes it is very difficult for them to ask for the help. Let it know that you are ready to understand and accept it that he did not tell you. Be attentive to the spouse. Tell how you love him and you do not want to lose. The man wants to realize that he is important and necessary.

4. Do not forget about own appeal. It is a high time, critically to estimate the appearance, to change a hairstyle, to add a highlight to the image, to become brighter. Having lived not one year together, the man ceases to see the woman, he feels her. Force darling to attract attention in a new way. During this period it is extremely important to man to feel by a row the sure and attractive woman.

5. Try to fill his life with positive impressions. Organize a holiday, it is a high time to visit those places where you were not yet. Try to extend more often it on walks, arrange meetings with friends. Open for yourself active holiday mountain skiing, diving, a little adrenaline will not damage.

6. You watch quality of your intimate life. Give the man compliments. Try to diversify sexual life, ask about him, still unrealized desires, try to embody them together.

7. During this hard period the woman needs to collect the will in a fist. Be patient, for the sake of preservation of the family center. You should not limit its freedom, personal space, to exasperate with inquiries and councils. Do not take offense at the man even if he began to doubt in correctness of the choice. At this time the man doubts absolutely everything and regrets, that he did not manage to make and what could not achieve. If you love the spouse, it is necessary only to have quietly this time, crisis in a result will take place, and the family relations will be improved.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
