Degradation is a disease and by no means, not rare. Many of us already on the way to this personal "grace", without realizing that. Degradation of the personality is nothing but loss of working capacity, will, interests, feelings, the principles. In a word, global primitivism of the person which comes, not at God's will and a brick behind a brick is under construction the personality.
The best examples of full degradation of the personality are alcoholics (we will not touch addicts, after all it is even less of them, than fans to rinse a throat). Their thoughts of a surface, ideals are unshakable, phrases and words at all are similar simplicity and simplicity. The brain works only for production of the main vital need – alcohol. But we still will talk about them in detail.
Degradation reasons
It is possible to find the mass of reasons for the lowered hands in the world and loss of faith in itself. For this reason reasons of degradation of the personality uncountable quantity, at everyone the, at everyone is similar.
Often people begin to degrade as a result of loss of the loved one, series of failures, crash of hopes. The person makes a slow and right suicide as he revenges life for the fact that it so meanly and disgracefully treated him. Lives he falls "By the evil", ceases to watch himself and events in the world, does not develop intellectually, forgets about the once interests. Often – goes to hard drinking, alcoholism at degradation of the personality can be not only the cause, but also the investigation.
Degradation after retirement is also characteristic. Young employees see off on "deserved rest" that is psychologically equivalent to a commemoration. There comes spiritual death: there are no duties any more and there is no responsibility, there are no cares and affairs, there is no headache and the brain does not overtire – but life is for some reason not fine.
Psychologists say that retirement is, actually, very harmful. Only units manage to avoid spiritual degradation of the personality, having retired, but only in case the person and without work always finds to himself business. Deserved rest is useful only to those who are a multilateral personality at whom life with going away from work does not come to an end, and the free space for a lot of new cases on the contrary opens. Such – units.
Degradation of the personality has a number of characteristic stages which were described by the psychologist Maslow.
- The person perceives himself as a pawn on whom nothing depends neither in global, nor in personal sense.
- To the forefront there are basic primary needs of the person.
- The world is divided into "" and "others". The patient protects himself from "strangers".
- The person is overcome by sense of guilt and shame. The patient blames himself for all mortal sins, even for to what has no relation.
- The ideology of degrading is unshakable, is not subject to discussions, criticism and discussions.
- Simple language, the elementary, easily said and remembered turns. At degradation the brain does not want to spend forces even for verbal functions.
The only motive of human activity is satisfaction of the requirements, protection of values and interests. The already the circle of requirements, the are higher chance to degrade. Thanks to alcoholism, all vital values come down to one – search of degree. Signs of degradation of the personality at alcoholism is the parasitism of the patient, weakening of conscience and call of duty (up to disappearance), egoism. Some patients show apathy and inaction, others on the contrary become complacent and sociable, but the criticism to itself and surrounding reality falls day after day.
It is possible to save itself from degradation only in one way – to develop, between new experience and comfortable old, always to choose new, to make decisions independently, despite of stereotypes of society.