Emotional intelligence"

Emotional intelligence"

term "emotional intelligence" arose rather recently and is defined how ability to distinguish various emotions and to control them by means of intellectual processes. That is, the emotional intelligence assumes the analysis of the events in the emotional sphere and a possibility of management of these processes.

Essential part of people is still not familiar with the concept "emotional intelligence". EQ really makes the person more successful, but whether it means that the head needs to be guided by emotions from now on and to put mind on a background? At the beginning of the twenty first century the leading psychologists came to the general opinion that cannot be put on the first place of EQ or IQ. They consider that only symbiosis of intelligence and emotions allows the person to develop effectively. Also, according to researches of these psychologists only twenty percent of our progress depend on intellectual indicators (IQ), and eighty percent fall to the share of emotional intelligence (EQ).

In the middle of the last century it became clear that all main types of resources in world economy are finally distributed and are intensively used. In such severe conditions the heads of leading companies decided to enhance the competitiveness, using human resources. Became stronger to be appreciated the human capital, competences, ability to form teams and to work in them. It became suddenly clear that ideas of inadmissibility of emotions in business relations hopelessly became outdated. Modern heads understood that the idea, so popular in the beginning of the twentieth century, that at the enterprise has to prevail not turbid emotions of the logician, is a utopia. Those methods and approaches which Henry Ford and Francis Taylor used in modern conditions already lost the efficiency.


Rapid development of medicine allowed to prove by researches that emotions directly influence logical and intellectual activity. During the researches, in particular, it became clear that even adoption of elementary economic decisions is influenced by emotional factors as fear, passion or ambitions.

In the modern world the emotional competence of the successful head assumes existence of four types of skills:

  1. Management of the emotions.
  2. Management of emotions of other people.
  3. Understanding of the emotions.
  4. Understanding of emotions of other people.

So, we were convinced that the popular saying "to emotions not the place at work" is not so truthful as it seems at first sight. At work the people remain people and at any time can experience any given emotion. Emotions accompany the person during each action and decision-making. Long enough was considered that it bears negative influence on production, under the influence of such emotions as anger, fear, joy people can make incorrect decisions. However only from completely emotions it is possible to catch the full volume of information which, as we know, is one of the most valuable resources. Emotions not always prevent work. Positive emotions allow people to work better. Especially brightly it is shown at workers whose activity means contacts with people and communication.


Thanks to emotions we are capable to make decisions much quicker. The emotional center of a brain reacts to external irritants much quicker, than the intellectual center. It allows the emotional center to process much more information both from external, and from inner world.

It is logical to assume that the emotional climate in the organization in many respects depends on the head. Employees subconsciously are guided by his mood and by its emotional state. Therefore the head should use the emotional energy for motivation of employees and creation of the promoting atmosphere in collective. It is not obligatory for head to use too liberal management style for effective management of emotions. It quite in the right to adjust subordinates for work performance in time, to threaten with consequences and to be angry. Emotionally competent head always knows when to apply any given reception and will always manage to play on others emotions. Unfortunately, many potentially emotionally strong leaders unconsciously apply only that style to which got used. Thereby they significantly limit the opportunities for management of others emotions. The certain emotionally not grounded heads can fall to unreasonable criticism of the subordinates, the constant sarcastic statements of a pritiroka. Probably, because of such heads from ten contacts causing negative emotions in managers nine it is the share of communication with the management. Relationship with colleagues and the management becomes the reason of psychological discomfort much more often than the conflicts with clients, overfatigue, problems of the house and complexity of corporate culture. So development of emotional competence very often includes extension of the behavioural repertoire at the leader.

Emotions of a napryamuyuvliyayutn human health. High level of emotional intelligence allows to block a lot of negative emotions and not to show them. Management of the emotions prevents emission in blood of hormones of a stress which in a couple of years can lead to heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases. There is also such phenomenon as decrease in "an emotional threshold". Getting used to constant negative situations, the person ceases to endure emotionally those or an inyesobytiya. As a result both negative and positive emotions will become dull. The person will cease to suffer from negative incidents, but also will not be able fully to rejoice to the light moments. The wrong use of emotional intelligence (for example, hiding of the mood and emotions) can lead to loss of ability to experience emotions not only in communication with colleagues, but also in private life. It to a mozha of a tvvesta of the person in a depression or will force eg to oiskat emotions in extreme situations. However before passing to management of the emotions, it is necessary to realize them completely. Most likely, since the childhood your emotions developed not absolutely correctly. Very often strict parents or teachers suppress children's emotions, breaking, thus, process of emotional development. At more adult age it can develop into psychological frustration and problems with a cardiovascular system.


Strong emotions, for example, when there is a wish to jump with happiness or something to strike for rage each person can distinguish. However strong emotions can be formed during the day by accumulation of small and insignificant emotions. Therefore it is necessary to be able to distinguish basic emotions. One of ways of recognition of emotions is the analysis of a source of any given emotion. For example, the feeling of rage can be driven away if to realize that we are angry from the morning conflict with the neighbor. Understanding of such facts allows to belong to a situation more simply. Other effective way on recognition of emotions is decision-making process. Process of decision-making is directly connected with an intuition which, in turn, too is some kind of emotion. For certain you had situations when you in the course of decision-making had inexplicable feeling of alarm though at first sight everything was normal. The intuition is the emotion which is subconsciously caused by some fact, not an up to the end conscious brain. It is very difficult to trace such fleeting emotions. Try to trace, analyze and state these small signals and over time you will begin to distinguish more often and quicker intuitive emotions. Also intuitive emotions at the subconscious level cause hardly noticeable deviations in a physiological condition of the person. From here also the phrase "the inside went I feel".

Emotionally grounded head can determine an emotional condition of subordinates and the reason of this state by almost imperceptible principles. Also he will understand that in certain emotional states from the person it is impossible to demand to perform any given operation effectively. It is useless to explain something to the manager at whom the client just shouted. Is useless to force the person to focus on a task if the child lies at home with high temperature. In that case the employee should be sent home - to sense from it all the same will be a little. It is vain to demand effective work after successfully complete large project - better to release them in the nearest bar.

The highest point in development of emotional intelligence is management of emotions. It is much more difficult, than suppression or control as they exhaust emotions in subconsciousness from where they can escape at the most inappropriate moment. Management allows to release emotions. Many exercises are based on a training of breath and directed to change of the physical state.

So, it is obvious that the emotional intelligence is rather important both in personal, and in working life.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
