How it is pleasant to do to darling

How it is pleasant to do to darling

If you love the man really, you can present him a little pleasure. To understand what he would like, it is necessary to look at its habits and preferences attentively.

Culinary delicacy

Certainly, practically all men like to eat well. Prepare for the darling some culinary masterpieces which are not present at your everyday menu. Today to find the recipe is not a problem. On television there are constantly culinary shows, you can find the recipe in the Internet also.

Not to get into an awkward situation before surprising the darling with smart kitchen, be trained with any given dish. You can prepare something and at first try or treat the friends.


Listen to his words, take an interest as yesterday the favorite soccer team played, ask whether well in the car the carburetor, etc. works. You will see how this simple step will be very pleasant for it. Your darling will feel interest of you in the problems, and you will see how its attitude towards you and mood will exchange.

The stronger sex is not less sentimental, than women, just carefully it hides. Care will always cause in it positive emotions. Men have more stress therefore they have to have a rest periodically.


The opinion that only men have to make gifts, in a root is wrong. The loving woman precisely will find that it is possible to present to the man. If he is fond of fishing, you can present him a rod. You do not know how to choose, ask experts. It is also possible to give small knickknacks which are very convenient, but that to buy you did not have them time earlier. It can be a charm, the card holder, a good mug. All of them cost kopeks. Also imagine what feelings at the man when you give him a t-shirt with the image of its favourite rock star?

What he presented

Its gifts need also to be accepted correctly. If he presented you something from clothes, put on and seem to him in this thing. Actually for men it is quite difficult to make a choice, when it comes to female things. On it they spend a lot of time and nerves. So do not hesitate to show that you appreciate its gift. Expensive jewelry is given by people who very much love. That is, if you have a gold chain received from darling, the expensive watch, a brooch from valuable a stone, it is the sign of especially tender feelings. Ignoring of these things will be perceived as a call. If the man loves you, undoubtedly, he will estimate any your efforts. If the young man periodically himself does you pleasant surprises, you can count on the strong relations and mutual gratitude.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
