To kiss it is necessary to be able, but to learn it it is possible intuitively. Awkwardness and confusion is overcome in process of rapprochement of two people. Even skilled lady-killers sometimes do not have courage to overcome constraint at the first kiss. And it is quite possible that your elect has at this moment the same feelings, as you.
1. That during a kiss confused nothing, did not push away and did not distract, in advance think of fresh breath. On this case will not prevent to have at itself lollipop with menthol or a small pillow of chewing gum. However at the kiss in a mouth there should be no candies and chewing gum.
2. You look to the partner in the face, feel his desire to kiss you. If he goes for rapprochement, do not lower a look, be not discharged back. You will feel that moment when it is time to start a kiss. If there is nothing, you just exchange views and smiles, do not force an event. The excessive fussiness will frighten off the magic moment. Perhaps, your partner just internally is not ready to a kiss yet.
3. Relax and calm down. Reject all fears about the inexperience or excessive experience, do not try to force events. Think of those pleasant minutes which you still should carry out together, and that ahead thousands more of kisses.
4. A confidential talk liberates lovers. Talk about each other, tell about the childhood, about internal experiences, open to the partner some personal secret. It brings together. At last, it is possible just to ask to kiss you directly here and now. After such revelations and so open invitation if your partner wants to kiss you, he by all means will make it.
5. The situation is also capable to liberate. Choose for a romantic appointment the movie theater hall, the city park, cozy restaurant or cafe with the darkened lighting, night small streets of the city – a word, such situation in which to you it is comfortable, quiet, cozy. It will allow you and to your partner in the greatest way to relax and feel pleasure from kisses.
6. If your signals, languishing looks, eloquent smiles, hot embraces were not apprehended as consent and a signal to readiness for a kiss, show an initiative. Possibly, your partner is even more timid, than you, and not in forces to decide to work even after so obvious messages. And that the pause did not drag on, deeply inhale, close eyes and touch by lips of lips.