How to arrange to darling a surprise

How to arrange to darling a surprise

Holidays in a year are enough from time to time to indulge the darlings surprises. And there is enough imagination or money for these surprises, unfortunately, not always. If there is no money, they can be earned, there would be desire. And with imagination it is more difficult. But and imagination it is possible to develop. Remember even if you and have some money, but the imagination works regularly, you will be able to make to the girlfriend such surprise that she will remember this day for a long time. In good sense, of course.


1. There is an option with flowers. Whether winter outside or summer, it is possible to use bright flower petals which can be asked or bought almost for nothing in flowers shop. Having got petals, lay out from them from them under a window of darling declaration of love. Do not forget about weather. If on the street wind, it easily blows off petals, having destroyed your creation. In that case you can lay out recognition from petals at the girl's entrance before a door shortly before its estimated entry into study or work.

2. It is possible to use also paints, having drawn huge red heart on asphalt or snow. And having used the special shining paints, you will be able to make the confession in literal sense "shining".

3. Whether even a modest gift the card with recognition will have indelible effect on the girl if she receives a gift through a window on the ninth floor. For this purpose it is possible to resort to the help of strangers. So you can be helped by industrial climbers. If to seize the moment when the house of your girlfriend is finished outside, just ask one of builders to deliver the letter. All of us are people therefore you will be understood, most likely, and will help you.

4. Ask several acquaintances to congratulate the girl. Let the first will send her SMS with the words of love and your signature. The second let will call it a door, having handed from you a rose or a tulip. The third will tie to the door handle several balloons with helium with a note. And on a note she will read your recognition. And the fourth let will dress up in Father Frost's suit (even if though in the middle of summer) and will hand it the telegram besides from your name with apologies that it very long went to the North Pole and back. So she will receive throughout the day pleasant gifts and to stay constantly waiting for the following surprises.

5. And here puppies, kittens and other living creatures it is better for girl not to give. Even if she very much loves animals, do not put her in position when it has to resolve urgently an issue of feeding, arrangement and the other questions connected with animals. And such surprises most often demand coordination with other members of her family.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
