The conflicts are a business problem. And where they arose, people face a question how to avoid the conflict.
How to avoid the conflicts: rules and recommendations
- To constrain emotions. The person has to learn to think soberly, without emotions. Often it happens so that on emotions will tell a lot of superfluous or will make something provocative, and then, later time will begin to be sorry about deeds. Emotions obscure mind, forcing to think that the person is cleverer than the interlocutor. It is a mistake. Such conflicts often arise in family and that was not a problem as to avoid them, it is necessary to learn to argue quietly, controlling the thoughts.
- Not to wind itself. It is possible to face that the person himself thinks out a problem, winds himself, itself takes offense, also foments the conflict. For this reason itself does not need to think and wind much what did not happen yet. The person himself in the head builds a chain of events which do not exist, develops them and begins to believe in it that he leads to many problems.
- To look for the reason, but not the investigation. People got used to fight against quarrel consequences, but they do not want to analyze a situation in any way and to find the reason of such behavior. It is necessary to look more widely, being beyond the conflict and to try to penetrate into situations. That is to understand how to learn patience and humility that in the future it did not repeat.
- Not to accumulate a problem. Many know that it is the best of all to solve problems in process of their receipt. Everything needs to try to be discussed at once, to discuss and reach compromise. Problems can gradually increase and if not to reduce them, then once they will fall down the head as a snowball, having brought with themselves many conflicts and troubles.
- Not to nurse a grievance. It is not necessary to nourish in himself the idea to sweep. If the person wants to live without the conflicts, then he needs to learn to discuss all disputed issues without emotions. At first it is necessary to solve the internal conflict as it will help to be exempted from excess and unnecessary thoughts.
How to avoid the conflict at work with colleagues?
If so it developed that there were conflict situations, then the colleague should be criticized in essence. Not to use at the same time words which would indicate, for example, origin of the person, his certain qualities, etc. It is necessary to approach delicately a situation, in communication it will become the best means for fight against the conflicts.
If there is no opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation, then it is possible to be prepared for it in advance, having planned everything that wants to be told.